Photographer Dennis DeHart ’97 – Exibition Opens in Gallerie Fotoland in November


“Racing” by Dennis DeHart

Greeners in the area will want to stop in at the Gallerie Fotoland, first floor of the Daniel J. Evans Library, to see a new exhibition by photographer Dennis DeHart, ’97, MFA (University of New Mexico). The show is titled “Confluences 1 & 2.” It opens November 7, 2013 and runs through January 14, 2014.

There will be a public lecture – part of the Evergreen Artists Lecture Series – on Wednesday, November 6, from 11:30 AM  to 1:00 PM, Lecture Hall 1.

Read the full post and see additional images.

Fifty Years Ago: Unsoeld, Hornbein on Everest


The 2013 Willi Unsoeld Seminar presents a film about the 1963 ascent of Mount Everest

Event Notice:
The 2013 Willi Unsoeld Seminar, November 20, 2013
Olympia, WA.  See details below.

The centerpiece of this year’s Willi Unsoeld Seminar is a film: “High & Hallowed: Everest 1963.” It is the story an American mountaineering expedition – one that also became part of Evergreen’s history because of the central role played by Evergreen founding faculty member Willi Unsoeld.

“High and Hallowed: Everest 1963” is a film about the deeper story of the greatest Himalayan climb in American Mountaineering history. Profiling the bold and visionary efforts of the 1963 American Mount Everest Expedition, the film examines the sheer commitment, step-by-step struggle and lasting impact of the first American ascent of Mt. Everest and the pioneering first ascent of the West Ridge.

Read about the story behind this film in the blog Outside and view a clip from the film below.

Date: November 20, 2013
Time: 7pm
Location: Washington Center for the Performing Arts,
Cost: Free of Charge

About Willi Unsoeld
Willi Unsoeld was a philosopher, theologian and mountaineer. He was probably best known for his first ascent of the West Ridge of Mt. Everest with Tom Hornbein.

In his role as a founding faculty member of The Evergreen State College, Willi embodied the spirit of the new institution: its emphasis on student-directed learning, interdisciplinarity, collaboration and personal responsibility. Willi’s enthusiasm, his celebration of the intellect, his kindness and gentle humor, and his eagerness to challenge the status quo are just a few of the qualities that made him a model teacher, mentor and friend.

The Willi Unsoeld Seminar Series was endowed as a “living memorial” after Willi lost his life in a mountaineering accident on Mt. Rainier on March 4, 1979.

Greener and Daughter Fighting the Good Fight with Cupcakes


From the kitchen of Rachel Young and her mom (and baking assistant) Victoria Cunningham ’04 – Olympia, Washington’s newest celebrity bakers.

Greener fans of the Food Network’s hit show “Cupcake Wars” may have recognized the dynamic baking duo behind  Miss Moffet’s Mystical Cupcakes: Victoria Cunningham ’04, in the kitchen alongside her talented and entrepreneurial daughter Rachel Young. The program aired October 12, 2013 with Miss Moffet’s Mystical Cupcakes selected as runner-up.  Read about Victoria’s and Rachel’s road to  baking stardom in the Seattle Times and watch the audition video on You Tube


Burt Guttman: Still Finding His Wings and Teaching His Passion

young guttman

Faculty Member Emeritus Burton Guttman, teaching class of 1972 as he appeared in the first staff directory.

Burton Guttman is a man of vision and courage. In 1972, he took a leap of faith, signing on as one of the Evergreen’s first-year faculty members. The job of these pioneers? Build a new college within 1,000 acres of forest, and a curriculum based on some crazy, new ideas about teaching and learning.

Forty years later, Burt is still at it. This fall he’s busy teaching a beginning birding class offered through the Black Hills Audubon Society. The five-week program began on October 22 and will be topped off with two half-day field trips. Read more about this class in the Bellingham Herald..

An internationally respected  biologist and researcher, Burt is an author many times over. He is perhaps is best known in the non-scientific world for his Peterson Field Guide, “Finding Your Wings: A Workbook for Beginning Bird Watchers.”  birdsjpeg

Former students of Burton Guttman, be proud. Your teacher is still sharing his knowledge and passion, and making the world a better place. Theory to practice, practice, practice.



Squaxin Tribal Greeners Excited About Return to Evergreen

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Glenn “Tuck” Wilson ’04 (MPA, Project Administrator for the Squaxin Island Tribe.

Squaxin Greener 2

Bridget Ray ’06, Grant Writer and Planner for the Squaxin Island Tribe.

Evergreen staff member Kana Shephard ’05 (MPA) came back to the office just now after putting up Return to Evergreen posters in the the Squaxin Island area just north of campus. He returned with the happy story of running into several of his former Evergreen students pals, now working for the Squaxin Island Tribe, all of them excited and planning to attend the alumni gathering on campus this Saturday.

Not only that, Squaxin Island Tribal Project Administrator “Tuck” Wilson ’04 (MPA) took a batch of posters, vowing to get them up in the community.

The Evergreen Community is a wonderful place.

Dedication of the Costantino Recreation Center

CRCHonoring former Vice President of Student Affairs Art Costantino for his years of service, Evergreen will dedicate the Recreation Center (CRC) as the Costantino Recreation Center. The ceremony falls on Return to Evergreen Saturday – October 19 –  between the two Annual Alumni Basketball Games. The women’s game leads off at 1:30 pm to approximately 3:30 pm. The men start immediately after the dedication and should wrap up around 5:30 pm in time to catch the live music and Greener Beer Garden that cap off the day. All activities in the CRC on October 19 are free and open to the public.


Evergreen’s climbing wall.

Art was an avid supporter of the Recreation and Athletics Program at Evergreen. Under his leadership, intercollegiate basketball came to Evergreen, opening up a new college pathway for student athletes seeking a strong liberal arts education.


The swimming pool is a central part of Evergreen’s fitness and wellness program.

The CRC is home to an astounding array of activities from ballet to martial arts. Academic programs are frequent users of the several dance studios. There are racquetball / handball  courts, a wide array of cardiovascular fitness machines and a large, well- equipped weight room.

Student Watch: Troy Mead ’15 Chemist-Cartoonist


Living the Liberal Arts: Troy Mead ’15, CPJ Comics Editor, Scientist, Performance Artist, Future Zookeeper or Biologist, or ….

Troy Mead is an alumnus of the first graduating class of the Health and Science High School, a magnet school in Beaverton, Oregon. Where does he think he’s headed? Somewhere in art or science; Troy doesn’t seem concerned, nor should he be. With his talents, interests, early accomplishments and energy, Troy is likely to achieve whatever his Evergreen Mind aspires to.

realcatTroy was comics editor for the Cooper Point Journal (CPJ) last year. Among his many published works is a riff on “Schrodinger’s Cat,” a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics that states a physical system such as an electron – or a cat – exists partly in all its particular theoretically possible states simultaneously until it is observed, at which time it exists only in the state corresponding to the exact instant of observation. Don’t see the humor? Look what Troy does with the concept.

Troy says he’s always drawn comics,
just as he has always been devoted to academic disciplines surrounding zoology, biological research or conservation work, the fields to which he aspires. His first published comic Troy describes as “horrible but incredibly clever.” – irreverently playing with William Blake’s “The Lamb.” The biggest challenge for Troy is creating humor that appeals to the non-scientific mind. Finding himself creatively frustrated at 3 am, unable to come up with joke ideas that are not abstrusely science based, Troy says he either processes his creativity through a computer word generator or bounces ideas around with a “web buddy.”  Other sources of inspiration? At the moment, the cartoonist Randall Monroe, author of “XKCD” is his muse.

We’ll keep in touch with Troy and share more creations from his Evergreen mind.



Agriculture’s Youth Movement Standing Strong on The Soul Brothers Farm

Soul Brothers

Current Evergreen students Alex Mutter-Rottmayer and Ross Finn (left and right, respectively) and Austin Carrier ’12 (center)  on their Olympia farm. Photo by Tony Overman, Tacoma News Tribune Staff Photographer.

Meet the face of farming today. No, not Archer Daniels Midland. The other face: sustainable, local, organic and young.

Austin Carrier ’12 studied architecture at Evergreen. His partners, Evergreen students Ross Finn and Alex Mutter-Rottmayer are studying evolutionary biology and chemistry, respectively. Together, they are The Soul Brothers and they run a farm.

Carrier handles land management and buildings. Finn’s biology & behavior education gives him dominion over the animals. Mutter-Rottmayer puts his chemistry studies to work detecting and solving soil problems. Natives of Tennessee, none of the Soul Brothers have farming experience. They have built the farm with the help of happy accidents, serendipity, and You Tube (short course on how to butcher animals).  Read the full article in the Tacoma News Tribune.


Read more here:


Read more here:

Morgan Chambers ’08, Olympia’s Newest Entrepreneur

Morgan Chambers' new thrift shop in downtown Olympia

Morgan Chambers’ new thrift shop in downtown Olympia

Let’s see, where to go for first-generation transformers? Ebay? Seattle? San Francisco?  How about downtown Olympia?  Morgan Chambers ’08 and his partner Nick Poulakidas have opened a new thrift shop, Capitol Eclectic Merchants, that is sure to attract lots of Evergreen students and anyone with a sense of whimsy and adventure. Hot tip: Issues of Mad Magazine are only $2.00 and, in the “priceless” category,” a Star Wars Monopoly game with pewter game pieces.  Read the full story in The Olympian.