Psychology of the Home

Molly Coyne

Psychology of the Home

Week 9

June 5th, 2013 · 2 Comments · Uncategorized

For this week and next I won’t have to much to say or report just because I finished all the reading and I’m finishing up editing now. I will say a little about my last film chapter though. Don’t remember quite how much I said about it already, but it’s all about film sound.

There are three different types of sound in film. One, of course, being speech (dialogue) – whenever anyone speaks. The second is music (underscoring, sound effects, and sound fidelity), and third is sound effects.

There are also the qualities of sound to consider. The volume, pitch, timbre, and rhythm. I feel like all those parts speak for themselves, except for maybe the timbre. The timbre refers to the synaesthetics of sound (color and feel).

I think it would be really fun to create some of these sound effects. There’s a ton of different ways. Some ways include:


Dry Recording: sound captured in a studio sound booth, where no ambient noise is allowed.


Futzing: The process of manipulating a recording to create a fuzzy or tinny sound.




Foley: creating sounds using available tools.


There are also different uses of sound, such as formal cues. The way sound makes you look for something or feel different emotions for the scenes.


There’s also external diegetic sound and internal diegetic sound; external being outside the minds of the characters, and internal is sound existing for the audience but it’s in the mind of the characters.


I used a lot of voiceover with my project. The audience will hear people talking while viewing other footage or pictures that the person is speaking about. Then I cut back to the people talking. I think this creates a great effect. It is my way of developing internal and external uses of sound.


Here are a couple pictures you will see in the video…


2 Comments so far ↓

  • Rob


    great rundown of the different types of audio. I didn’t find one that worked for me so I had to use binauaral microphones plugged into the camera, sad but you gotta do what you gotta do.

    These shots are looking nice, especially the ones you just posted for week 10. Was there any color correction done to these?

    • coymol16

      Thank you, and no actually, all the pictures are posted straight as they were taken from the camera.

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