Happy 2013!

Music Intensive Students Welcome to our Winter Quarter!  Here’s a bit of information to help you prepare for our first week together.

WEEK ONE:  The Romantic Hero/The Romantic Revolutionary

Reading: Listen, pp. 209-222 and Beethoven, chapters 8, 9, & 10 (focus on Napoleon and the Symphony #3)

Listening:  Beethoven Symphony #3 & #5

Week 1 Meeting Schedule

Prompt for Week 1 Seminar

An online copy of the entire score for Beethoven’s Symphony #3 is found here

Access virtual keyboard here


Beethoven Text

The Beethoven text that we will be working with during the first 2 weeks of the Winter quarter has arrived.  Please contact Sean or Andrea to make arrangements to get your copy.


  1. Try not to let yourself get bogged down in excessive details on the first pass through.
  2. Each chapter is divided into 5 page sections – each section has a clear title and an excellent summary paragraph.  Focus on the main points of the final paragraph drawing a relationship to the section title.  Many of the individual names in the earlier sections can seem overwhelming – look for the big picture concept – not the minutia.
  3. Read as much as you can before the program starts but you probably won’t want to read more than a section or two (5-10 pages) at a time when starting this text. If you want to read more that is great but do it in a way that is enjoyable and productive.
  4. Much of the music referenced is available on youtube.  Listening to at least small portions is a great idea.   We will do much of this in program but familiarizing yourself with the basic style may help you make a closer connection with the text.
  5. ENJOY!!!