Hi, so I live in the on-campus student apartments and each one has a kitchen, which for me is egg-cellent! (the pun had to be made).

I love to cook the way Remmy from “Ratatouille” likes to cook, only my personal favorites are Asian and more specifically Japanese dishes. And it’s not just because I’m anime fan and Asian and Asian/American studies major (and homemade ramen and miso soup not out of a package is really, really good!)

On a regular basis (except for special events like ChibiChibiCon), I have to watch how much sugar and dairy I eat, or else I end up not feeling so good.

And early on I found out the Japanese and Asian food, in general, didn’t have dairy and so long as I didn’t use sugary sauces, I could cook and eat most things without having to change it up too much (if at all!)

And what “Yuri on Ice!” fan could pass up making the signature dish of the show, katsudon (the pork cutlet bowl).

Ita daki mas!

Frying up some chicken thighs in tempura for the chicken version of katsudon.

Who says the food in video games can’t be edible? Homemade “Skyrim” styled sweet rolls, as a treat, just waiting for the glaze. Plus they’re packed with eggs, so I’m normally feeling full after just one or two.