My Nerdy Evergreen Apartment Life

Where Nerdy Interests, Cats and Curiosity Collide

Category: Nerd Life in the Apartments

My day-to-day life living on campus in Evergreen’s Apartments

B Movie Mayhem

A play on a sceen from “The Room” with Thor and Loki’s faces photoshopped in.

“Plan 9 from Outer Space” as the aliens, creating vampires on earth, in a very long monolog go on about how earth will doom, or “explode”, the galaxy and therefore must save it.

So after a long day week of classes and getting some vitamin D in the sun, another nerdy film interest that rarely features the prestige of Marvel’s Avengers, the influence of The Lord of the Rings or the witty humor of Monty Python’s The Holy Grail.

No, instead the prime dialog comes from the audience, Mystery Science Theater 3000 style.

The films are far from the Oscar list of nominees, and this might be the only place these films are listed together as having something in common:

Plan 9 from Outer Space, Battlefield Earth, Zebraman 2, Kung Fu Hustle, The Happiness of the Katakuris, Chawz, The Lawnmower Man: Director’s Cut, Blade Trinity, or The Room.

These are the B movies. Films so bad they are good with many that achieve cult status and fan followings. And not just any bad movie can become good.

There have been those who have tried with comedies styled after B movies, but they tend to lack the charm that comes with the genuine heart that are put into these films, often with the belief they are excellent or will be excellent movies. And in their own way they are.

Sunshine, D20’s and Rolling 1’s

Hi there! Well my nerdy Evergreen apartment life would be amiss if I didn’t include some of the student group activities I do here on campus.

For example the RPG Guild, a student club/group dedicated to tabletop role playing games that includes, but isn’t limited to D&D, Fate, Star Wars, Pathfinder, even some RPing with Magic Cards (there is also a separate club just for MTG, Magic the Gathering, as well!)

This quarter I’ve been attending the ones on Sundays, and we had quite the battle over the past couple of weeks. Here’s a little walkthrough of those past few Sundays…

What a wonderful, sunny day in the Pacific Northwest!

Really, it is quite a nice day. A bit chilly, but still look at all that sun…

Look at all that light, I can see it all the way from here!

Yep, it is certainly nice, but…

This door…well there is nothing ominous about this, right? Let’s see where it goes…

Library Underground? Basement Level?

What could happen? So, yes please!

Uh, where am I now?

This…looks like some sort of boss battle! Oh I wonder what its HP is…

500HP?! 750HP?! 1000HP?! And I’m only a level 4 Druid! I’ve got, what 30HP? Crap, get me out of here!

Let’s go ahead and roll to…it’s a 1…My first roll and it’s a 1?! This is a new dice too…Shame on you dice! (I actually rolled a one with my brand new dice on its first roll, so yes it is being dice shamed for real)

No one died, sort of, but we made it past this first battle! At one point I got frozen, my character has a bad habit of touching shiny things without thinking it through, but that’s all part of the fun!

As for myself, I have extremely bad luck with dice, so much so that a baby hydra (they are sentient for this campaign) in a one shot I did ended up with the NPC, who is a Weird called Kellem (like Melek in MTG) ended up saving and earning it instead…And Weirds aren’t known to be the most…stable creatures (they are made of opposites, like lightning and ice in this case).

Sketchy art of the hydra I almost had, though this one now has five heads thanks to our truly neutral party member Herbert.

The second one shot ended up…good? No NPCs got hydra or dragon hatchlings, but somehow I ended up two dragons, (one a hatching  the other a student), a hydra hatching and died three times.

They weren’t permanent deaths thankfully! My health was just high enough and our campaign’s Dungeon Master, fellow Student Ambassador Gloria was extremely generous. (I have really, really bad luck with dice), and have to apprentice under a Weird, Kellem who has also killed me…with my own dragon apprentice.

This is my character’s new dragon hatchling Nicol Bolas (it’s an MTG reference that has carried over into the D&D campaign).

Let’s just say things are complicated, but fun, exciting and now my druid needs to find someplace to house two dragons and a hydra…



The Best things in Life have Food!

Hi, so I live in the on-campus student apartments and each one has a kitchen, which for me is egg-cellent! (the pun had to be made).

I love to cook the way Remmy from “Ratatouille” likes to cook, only my personal favorites are Asian and more specifically Japanese dishes. And it’s not just because I’m anime fan and Asian and Asian/American studies major (and homemade ramen and miso soup not out of a package is really, really good!)

On a regular basis (except for special events like ChibiChibiCon), I have to watch how much sugar and dairy I eat, or else I end up not feeling so good.

And early on I found out the Japanese and Asian food, in general, didn’t have dairy and so long as I didn’t use sugary sauces, I could cook and eat most things without having to change it up too much (if at all!)

And what “Yuri on Ice!” fan could pass up making the signature dish of the show, katsudon (the pork cutlet bowl).

Ita daki mas!

Frying up some chicken thighs in tempura for the chicken version of katsudon.

Who says the food in video games can’t be edible? Homemade “Skyrim” styled sweet rolls, as a treat, just waiting for the glaze. Plus they’re packed with eggs, so I’m normally feeling full after just one or two.