Ramblin’ Jacks


On a clear day, the sunlight illuminates the front of the buildings facing south on 4th Avenue from noon till night. This is one reason for a plethora of decorative plants being placed at the front of the shops to catch not only the rays of the sun, but the eyes of a passerby. Facing more into the city, this side of the street gets plenty of attention from people. With the intention to retain comfort and possibly attract the eye of a customer, the sidewalk and buildings are well maintained and have only minor flaws. An alley dividing this side of the block in two contains artistic graffiti to make even the grungy alley way look somewhat inviting. Ramblin’ Jacks is a restaurant that shares its side of Cherry Street with the late Olympia Glass Co. and the Last Word Bookstore. While distinctly well kept at the base of the building, the vertical sign and architecture that forms the roof suggests an older construction date, though possibly not as old as the Olympia Glass Co. building. The smells of a previous and newer age linger on the street, with multiple antique shops, a bookstore, and the smell of cleaning chemicals for fire places and hot tubs adding their part to the mix several meters west along 4th Avenue.

4th Avenue

Artistic Wall Paint

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2 Responses

  1. Telat says:

    First off I like your featured image for this post. I think that what is working for you; paying close attention to small things such as your description of the decorative plants, or the condition of the mentioned sidewalk. It is one thing to say, oh that is a sign, but even better to say vertical sign. I think that your descriptive nature is working well and you should keep that going. Things to consider, try including a more personal approach on your future posts.

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