Wrapping up the mastering process!

We’re excited to say that we are thiiis close to sending off the album to be duplicated. Right now it’s all about referencing the masters on various monitoring systems, tweaking mixes, finalizing metadata, looking towards the album release show, and consulting with the photography intern on the final album art. Here’s a quick screen shot of the track layout!

ESMP Recording Session

Thought we would share a few pictures of a recording session from earlier this week! Shown here is a typical cart full of microphones from Media Loan, Multi-track Composition engineer Ben T.W. at the API 1604 mixing console, a Neumann U87 recording a bass cabinet, and the inside of the 1176 Compressor.

1176 Ben TW HandFader Mics U87

ESMP 2013 Recordings are almost done!

So far, we have decided on a distribution format, gained interest from Photoland in providing the album art, gained interest from video/animation students to submit visual pieces, and the students recording this years’ album are well underway with their recording process. This year we are doing something different than any year prior. In addition to the CD, which will contain the 22 student songs, we are also including a USB drive. This USB drive will house video, animation, and photography content, which is all generated by Evergreen students. We are very excited to incorporate visual material in this way, especially since no previous ESMP has included visual media like this. We will also be offering a free high-resolution digital download online.