Left to right: Felix Braffith accepting “the big check” for Maxwell Hanckel, Doneesha Brown, President Les Purce and Mariners President Chuck Armstrong
Evergreen students Doneesha Brown and Maxwell Hanckel received public “congratulations” last Tuesday as this year’s Jackie Robinson Scholarship recipients. The ceremony took place, as is traditional, at Seattle’s Safeco Field just prior to a Mariners game.
Evergreen has awarded 48 Jackie Robinson scholarships, starting in 1987, thanks to the philanthropy of then-faculty member Patrick Hill. A much beloved teacher, philosopher, writer and story-teller, Patrick endowed the scholarship as a tribute to his parents, immigrants who valued education highly but never, themselves, went to college, and who were devoted Jackie Robinson/Brooklyn Dodgers fans.
Read the full story.
Just a bit about Patrick Hill:
Patrick died in 2008 just weeks after being awarded Faculty Emeritus status upon retirement. Here is one of many laudatory statements from former students listed on RateMyProfessor: Patrick Hill was the best teacher I ever had. He was a strong leader, yet had a gentle way, and was inspirational to the nines. He was encouraging and supportive, understanding and yet could light a fire under you. He is the reason I am a teacher. Often I ask myself “What would Patrick do?” An amazing mentor and man! Life changing absolutely!