Box #1 Process

So…my first attempt to make a Cornell-esque assemblage is finished. It took many days and a lot of steps to complete, but it’s done and I’m excited to hear what the class thinks of it at tomorrow’s critique. The process involved:

1. Many hours of conceptualizing, trying to figure out how to visually represent my feelings of kitchen and how to give off a sense of nostalgia and a specific aesthetic quality that I was trying to achieve.

2. Looking through old family negatives, deciding which ones to print and spending time in the darkroom getting the photos just right for my vision of box #1.

3. Searching at thrift/antique stores for anything that I might want to use.

4. Days and days of arranging and rearranging the objects and photos until I had them situated the way I wanted, making baskets, hollowing eggs, painting things, cutting paper, and then attaching everything to be sturdy.

Throughout this process I’ve also been working on reading Diane Waldman’s Joseph Cornell: Master of Dreams, which gives an in depth look at the life and work of Joseph Cornell, written by someone who knew him personally. Here are some tidbits I’ve picked up so far:

*Cornell preferred the english pronunciation of assemblage versus the more “artsy” sounding French pronunciation.

*He was highly influenced by the Surrealist movement

*He was obsessed with the performing arts including the opera and dance, specifically ballet

* His family has always been central to his life and definitely a major theme in his artwork


That’s all for now!

34 thoughts on “Box #1 Process

  1. You have a lovely site, full of artistic prominence and meaning. You formulated a precise style of presenting the features of your work. It’s clear that making an assemblage that is not only about assembling materials in an aesthetic arrangement, but that incorporates an authentic rendering of human emotion and memory takes a lot of decision making, collecting of materials, and preparation of materials. Your first entry on the artists who inspire your work grounds the domestic space concepts under study: family, nostalgia, to name two. Interesting facts about Cornell’s influences, and oh my, I didn’t realize that Woodman actually lived in the dilapidated space that is pictured in her photos—I thought it was a found abandoned house!

    • Six pictures were printed, but only one was used in the final composition. Because there dordle was no criticism this week, I figured I may as well use the opportunity to upload those additional photos here. For fun, I also tried printing a picture of my mum.

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  3. Congratulations on completing your first Cornell-esque assemblage! It’s evident that you put a lot of thought, time, and effort into the process, and I’m sure the class critique will be an exciting opportunity to share your work and hear valuable feedback.

    I appreciate how you described the various steps involved in creating your artwork. From conceptualizing and visualizing your feelings of the kitchen to meticulously selecting and printing old family negatives, every aspect of the process contributes to the overall aesthetic and nostalgic quality you aimed to achieve.

    The inclusion of found objects from thrift and antique stores adds a unique touch to your assemblage, giving it a distinct personality and character. It’s impressive to see how you experimented with arranging and rearranging the items until they fit your vision, even going as far as crafting baskets, hollowing eggs, and painting elements to ensure the desired effect.

    Additionally, your dedication to studying Joseph Cornell’s work by delving into Diane Waldman’s book shows your commitment to exploring the art form and gaining insights from an expert perspective. Learning about Cornell’s life and artistic journey can undoubtedly provide inspiration and deepen your understanding of the medium.

    Thank you for sharing your creative process and the tidbits you’ve gathered from Waldman’s book. It’s evident that you have poured your passion and creativity into this project. Best of luck with the class critique, and I hope it sparks engaging discussions and valuable feedback that further enhance your artistic growth.

    Thank you

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  5. Your description of the process behind creating your Cornell-esque assemblage is intriguing. It’s evident that you put a lot of thought and effort into each step, resulting in a finished piece that you’re excited to present for critique.

    The first step of conceptualizing and visually representing your feelings of the kitchen shows your dedication to capturing a specific aesthetic quality and evoking a sense of nostalgia. This initial brainstorming process is crucial in establishing the foundation of your artwork.

    The inclusion of old family negatives and spending time in the darkroom demonstrates your attention to detail and the importance of selecting the right photographs to bring your vision to life. It’s evident that you took the time to ensure the photos aligned with your desired outcome for box #1.

    The search for materials at thrift/antique stores showcases your resourcefulness and willingness to explore different options. It’s exciting to gather objects that resonate with your concept and add depth to the overall composition.

    The days of arranging and rearranging the objects and photos demonstrate your dedication to achieving the perfect arrangement. The additional efforts of making baskets, hollowing eggs, painting, cutting paper, and ensuring sturdy attachment highlight your commitment to craftsmanship and attention to detail.

    Reading Diane Waldman’s book on Joseph Cornell further enriches your understanding of assemblage art and provides insights into the life and work of an influential artist. This research shows your desire to learn and grow within your artistic practice.

    Overall, your process showcases a thoughtful and meticulous approach to creating your Cornell-esque assemblage. It’s evident that you’ve invested time and energy into each aspect, and I’m excited to hear the feedback from your class critique. Well done on your hard work and dedication to your artistic vision.

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