MES Weekly

Jobs and Internships for MES Students & Alumni



Workshop: Seaweed Farming in Washington State–An Introductory Workshop (Online)

Workshop: Professional Development Workshop, IslandWood (King County, WA)

Workshop: Stormwater Stars Workshops (Portland, OR)

Course: Russia – study abroad environmental science diplomacy experience, University of Delaware (Russia)

Call for Speaker/Session Proposals: WSRA Conference, Washington State Recycling Association (Port Orchard, WA)

Training: Adaptation Planning for Coastal Communities, Coastal Training Program (Mount Vernon, WA)

Workshop: Community Based Social Marketing Workshop, Doug McKenzie-Mohr (Seattle, WA)

Course: Environmental Negotiations, Coastal Training Program (Mount Vernon, WA)

PhD: Conservation and Management of Natural Resources, Universidad de Los Lagos (Osorno, Chile)

PhD: Climate Governance/ Climate Transparency, Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen, Netherlands)

PhD: hydrological modelling in the context of agricultural applications, Forschungszentrum Jülich (Jülich, Germany)

PhD: Environmental Assessment at the Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden)

PhD: Rural Water Finance in Africa, Smith School for Enterprise and the Environment University of Oxford (Oxford, UK)

PhD: Governing Informal Water Markets in Eastern Africa, Smith School for Enterprise and the Environment University of Oxford (Oxford, UK)

Workshop: Nonprofit Learning Lab (Seattle, WA)

Course: Environmental Justice, University of East Anglia’s Global Environmental Justice Group (Online)

Call for applicants: Graduate Leaders in Socio-Environmental Synthesis workshop, SESYNC (Annapolis, MD)

PhD: Restoring Brazil’s savannas – new techniques to quantify carbon sequestration potential and water use of restoration projects, University of Exeter (Exeter, United Kingdom)

PhD: Fusion of earth observation data with geo-information for Water Sensitive Cities in India, University of Twente (Enschede, Netherlands)

Workshop: Train the Trainer (Seattle, WA)

PhD: Food System Technology Fellowships, University of Colorado (Boulder, CO)

PhD: Political Science/Hydrologic Science/Environmental Science, University of Nevada (Reno, NV)

Research expedition: The Antarctic Sabbatical, AirBnb and Ocean Conservancy (Antarctica)

PhD: Hydrometeorology, Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen, Netherlands)

PhD: Tropical Forest Conservation, University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia)

PhD: Forest Adaptation, University of Vermont (Burlington, VT)

PhD: Plant-Vertebrate Herbivore Interactions, Boise State University (Boise, ID)

PhD: Dryland Microbial Ecology, New Mexico State University (Las Cruces, NM)

Training: Applied Remote Sensing Training Program, NASA (Online)

PhD: Forest Ecosystem Ecology, North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC)

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