MES Weekly

Jobs and Internships for MES Students & Alumni



Job: Recreation Management and Monitoring Technician, AmeriCorps Conservation Experience (Umpqua National Forest, OR)

Job: Wilderness and Trails Technician, AmeriCorps Conservation Experience (Umpqua National Forest, OR)

Volunteer: Naturalists, Eye on Nature (Olympia, WA)

Volunteer: Environmental Educators, Capitol Land Trust and the Puget Sound Estuarium (Olympia, WA)

Workshop: Site Steward Workshop, Nisqually Land Trust (Yelm, WA)

Event: Native Plant Salvage (Glacial Heritage Preserve, WA)

Volunteer: Board Member, Olympia Community Solar (Olympia, WA)

Volunteer: Tilth Alliance’s Soil & Water Stewards (King County, WA)

Event: Work Party, OlyEcosystems (Olympia, WA)

Event: Olympia Climate Strike, WA Youth Climate Strike (Olympia, WA)

Call for Candidates: Thurston Conservation District (Tumwater, WA)

Event: Eco Lions Food Recovery (Olympia, WA)

Volunteer: Fall habitat work, Johnson Creek Watershed (Portland, OR)

Volunteer: Board Member, Goochy Project (Seattle, WA)

Event: Tree Planting, TCAT and Nisqually River Project (Yelm, WA)

Volunteer: Return to Evergreen, The Evergreen State College (Olympia, WA)

Volunteer: Olympia Advisory Committee Application Period Now Open (Olympia, WA)

Event: Fall Planting at McLane Creek, Thurston County Stream Team

Event: Forage Fish Surveys, Thurston County Stream Team (Olympia, WA)

Job: Multiple Positions Available, One America (Multiple Locations, WA)

Event: Interested in volunteering? South Sound GREEN (Tumwater, WA)

Event: 2019 Orca Recovery Day, Thurston Conservation District (Olympia, WA)

Survey: What should we do to act on climate change? (Thurston County, WA)

Conference: November Citizen Climate Lobby Scholarships Available (Washington, DC)

Event: Summer Native Plant Nursery Learning & Work Parties, Stream Team (Tumwater, WA)

Volunteer: Recreation and Conservation Funding Board, WA Recreation and Conservation Office (WA)

Volunteer: Mentorship Program, The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education

Volunteer: 2019 Northern Leopard Frog Survey (Moses Lake, WA)

Internship: Sustainability Educator, Energy Corps (Red Lodge, MT)

Job: Field Crew Member, Washington Conservation Corps (Multiple Locations, WA)

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