Box #3 Process

For my third assemblage, I am focusing on the front porch. I started with the idea of a bench. There was this blue bench/porch swing on my front porch when I was growing up that I kept thinking of when I was brainstorming for this project. I found this weird wooden thing at Goodwill and thought that if I cut it up and rearranged it I could turn it into a porch bench. So I sawed off various parts and reglued things in different places and painted it blue and it magically turned into this memory I have of my childhood. I honestly spent way too much time on this one component of my assemblage, but I felt that it was the most important part.

The other thing I wanted to include was coffee. I always remember my dad drinking coffee on the front porch and I find myself doing it now. There is just something special about enjoying a hot beverage on your porch on a cool morning. The thought of it makes me feel nostalgic instantly. I found a couple of ways to incorporate coffee beans and grounds into the box.

Another thing I remember distinctly about my childhood porch is that it was always cluttered with random junk and I tried to recreate this look a little bit in this box. I was also inspired by Joseph Cornell’s work to create distinct sections within the assemblage. I got help from my mom and used old scrap wood to create a sectioned look similar to many of Cornell’s pieces. Like this one-







The other part of the process was the photographs. I set up a tripod and took self-portraits on the porch and I also printed using old negatives that show my actual childhood porch.

This box is a little more simplistic than my last two, but I hope the sentiment comes across well. I’m interested to hear what people think about it during critique next week.

40 thoughts on “Box #3 Process

  1. Hi Isabella,
    Your description of your process is merely a peek at what must be an incredible amount of thought and energy spent on your mixed media pieces. It did not occur to me until now but your boxes are sort of miniature art. I was thinking about the concept of tasting food when I was looking at Kate’s post on miniature art. Because the art is small one must slow down and focus to see it, to savor it. It is a new way of looking at art. It seems easier for me to pass by a larger art piece too quickly than a small art piece. I am a curious human and enjoy discovering what it is I am to see. Isabella, you have this amazing way of putting so much image into a small space without it being confusing or cluttered but beautiful, flowing, and articulate. I am looking forward to viewing your next piece.

  2. I really enjoy reading the thought process behind your works. The pieces you have completed so far have been packed with personalization and I find it very courageous to put so much of yourself into a piece of art. I feel like your boxes have a cohesive narrative and reveal pieces of yourself that most of us would not know otherwise. This new work sounds like it will continue to do the same. I am excited to see it on Tuesday. I’m very intrigued by the idea of personal experiences of nostalgia being recreated or synthesized within a work.

  3. I love the detailed descriptions of your process, it is clear that you are very emotionally invested in you work. I like that you are picking the most meaningful objects and really diving into how to best represent that emotion and well as the item. I cant wait to see all your work together!

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  7. I remember making something similar with my grandpa related to cowboys n stuff(he had a whole bunch of ol ammo boxes n stuff, I think most of it ended up in private collections later, he’s still alive n kicking, I visit him every year and we go shooting stuff at local gun range – he had acquired quite a collection of guns from , people bring there their used guns, so you can get some pretty cool old stuff there).

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  11. The efficiency with which you coordinated the entire process is impressive. Without a doubt, your pokedoku organizational abilities and strategic thinking helped to ensure its successful and seamless execution.

  12. Incorporating coffee into the box adds another layer Among Us of nostalgia and personal connection. The ritual of enjoying a hot beverage on the front porch is indeed special and evokes a sense of comfort and warmth.

  13. Your transformation of that Goodwill find into a nostalgic porch bench is truly inspiring! It’s amazing how a simple piece of wood can embody cherished memories. Looking forward to seeing how your porch assemblage continues to evolve! Also, don’t forget to take care of yourself with regular medical check-up Dubai.

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