About me

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. My name is Tristan Anderson and I’m a senior at the Evergreen State College. I primarily study Anthropology. However, don’t let this statement fool you. Learning is a passion of mine, and my research requires many channels of inquiry. I believe it is my job to make those connections. I’m excited to talk to you about Biology, Chemistry, Math, Business, or any other subject you study. Collaboration is my favorite form of learning and I would like to invite you to comment on my posts. I’m always interested to hear others’ perspectives.

This fall quarter I decided to take the program Asian/American: Pop Culture Crosscurrents to continue my academic interest in contemporary Vietnamese American experiences and their transnational relationships. Vietnamese culture has inevitably become intertwined with many aspects of my life. My wife and I met in college while she was an international student from Viet Nam. Before we met, I had little to no knowledge about Vietnamese culture. Now a whole new world has been opened up to me. Like America, that world has many complex, invisible issues. In this blog, I want to bring those issues to the attention of the public and find solutions.