Category: Scissors

A personal journal – these posts will include any snippets (pun intended), fragments, partially formed thoughts, personal observations, etc., related to our program and which you may or may not reassemble into logical/linear fashion form by quarter’s end.


New Vocabulary for Stronger Solidarity

Every day in class I am reminded of my evil heritage and visual appearance. People that I would be grouped with in the past did some unspeakable things. Colonialism. Massacres. Slave trades. Missionaries. Every...


“Monumental Connections” in the works

It’s getting exponentially difficult to locate the point where all the information I’ve been absorbing from my own researching (regarding the natures of identity, collective identity (culture), embeddedness, and globalization) intersect. On the other...


Culture 101: A New Era for Anthropology

Why might the same marketing strategy destroy competition in America but fail to engage people in other countries? The primary factor in global marketing is culture. But how can we understand another culture? Culture...


Trust in 2017?!

What determines trust? That question keeps coming back to me when I think about all the distrust going on right now. Every social interaction falls back to trust it seems. Indeed, this is true...

The #1 Rule for Creating Content 13

The #1 Rule for Creating Content

As soon as I saw the raw cuts of meat strewn across the table stand, I knew I was far away from home. The flies buzzed in circles around the piles of flesh, dodging...

Lost and Adrift (LẠC TRÔI) by Sơn Tùng M-TP 2,884

Lost and Adrift (LẠC TRÔI) by Sơn Tùng M-TP

This song struck me in particular recently. Perhaps the most viewed Vietnamese music video on Youtube. I’ll probably dissect the lyrics at a later date. I won’t try to describe the song to you....

Skype for Global Education Disparities? 1

Skype for Global Education Disparities?

  Advancing technology defines the evolving nature of human communication. Our interactions rely increasingly on our cell-phones, computers, and most significantly, the internet. As an Anthropology student, I have started to notice a few...

Using Technology as Transnational Education? 12

Using Technology as Transnational Education?

My recent trip to Viet Nam has opened up many possibilities for coming up with ways to solve problems. And I also want to think about these issues critically as well, and whether the...