B – Week 6 Logs

Week 6 logs:

 Monday February 11th

2 hours – Derive. Took descriptive notes and journaled about my surroundings, and what I was attracted to and why (notes for a poem!)

2 hours – yoga and peer-editing.

2 hours – working on anthology.

1.5 hours – working on seminar pass.

.5 hours – revising and posting poem.

1.5 hours – watching I Believe In Atlanta. A documentary done by a friend about the untold history of the city and its effect on her.

 Tuesday February 12th

4 hours – studio time (printing).

1.5 hours – reading/commenting on seminar passes. virtual seminar.

3 hours – reading.

.5 hours – working on anthology.

.5 hours – journaling about gender, when, where and how I switch gender “rolls”, becomeing more feminine or more masculine and the effects they have.

Wednesday February 13th

1.5 hours – reading

.5 hour – journaling on Reverie.

2 hours – Kallari Chocolate lecture and tasting.

1 hour – working on anthology.

1 hour – crafting journal entries and notes into poems.

1 hour – writing Bachelardian reverie.

 Thursday February 14th

5.5 hours – studio time (printing!)

.5 hours – journaling about my time spent in the studio, the relationship between body and machine, the anima and animus of letterpress.

.5 hours – reading.

 Friday February 15th

1 hour – journaling about confusion, negative emotions and obstacles.

.5 hour – scoping moodle/e-alphabet, clarifying anthology logistics.

1 hour – reading.

 Saturday February 16th

1 hour – reading.

 Sunday February 17th

2 hours – reading.

1.5 hour – journaling about the relationship of letters to body to thoughts to place/environment to traveling and ideas for term paper.

1.5 hours – starting seminar pass and researching poet from Perloff.

2.5 hours – vagina monologs!!


This week: 43.5 hours

Cumulative total: 75 hours

 Reading List:

The Poetics of Reverie – Bachelard.

Beyond The Body Proper, Reading The Anthropology of Material Life. – Margaret Lock and Judith Farquhar.

The Laugh Of Medusa – Hellen Cixous.

Reading In The Brain. – Stanislas Dehaene. 

The Book As A Container Of Consciousness – Author unknown. 

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