Category Archives: field study

“During winter quarter we’ll experience and articulate specific forms of consciousness and language in relation to a particular passion. One of us might want to explore Gerard Manley Hopkins’ love of bluebells and windhovers in relationship to his poetry, or create a poetic world around a passion for sport or to experience how fantasy sports are a poetic world. One of us might immerse herself in the biodynamic rhythms of chocolate sustainably farmed, or listen for the resonance between silence and sound in YoYo Ma’s performance of Bach’s Cello Suite #1 in G. The methodology of our field study will aspire to that of 18 th C poet and civil engineer, Novalis for whom “knowledge and creation were united in a wondrous mutual tie.” Writing in response to our field studies will take the form of reciprocal creations such as in Melissa Kwasny’s Reading Novalis in Montana” and the poems of Wallace Stevens and Pattiann Rogers discussed in class.


There are similarities I find with others who are teachers such as the desire to construct and share the arts passionately. The artists who have influenced me with their application of patience in the art of origami include Tomoko Fuse, Robert J. Lang, Vincent Palacio, Kunihiko Kasahara, and John Montroll. Where does their patience come from? There tends to be an application of resourcefulness throughout the constructive process. Ultimately, a mixed media artist is envisioned when seeing and hearing Howe’s work and this vision is what my work will strive to provide. Her work titled “The Midnight” will be my guide as this essay develops. The media I will use shall include pictures, collage-like poetry pieces, and narratives to describe the sections much like introductions of myself through the work. Although usually designated for pictorial sketches, bound lineless paper becomes a space to share for visual arts of the imagination in with words. Rules are guidelines to follow for ease of communicating ideas and can be amended just as basic art techniques create a template with room for variations by the project designer. Diseases have their own rules for me to follow in order to stay in the best of health. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, or Lupus for short, has been the primary disease and rules I, from childhood have tried to defy. Sometimes these trials were in my favor, reducing the intense levels of medication while others have brought multiple near death experiences. How these experiences with the disease evoked my own sensations to write this narrative will be through a compilation of prose and poetry. “Literary sketchbooks” emerge with Howe’s use of the paper. My various uses of paper are my means of an outlet in response to Lupus; my Midnight. She continues drawing and printing mediums to convey her transition of thoughts to words and words to images with her audience. As I draw from my consciousness, I will try to trace with words, along with images, the practice of intertextually writing. Allusions will primarily be about the positive aspects of patience which has brought me this far and is the premise for this paper.  I call this, Patience for Life with Lupus.

Pilg – A Pilgrimage through Roethke and Spring

Spring Quarter Field Study Proposal

I will participate in all class activities throughout the week to include a weekly session in Calculated Poetics while continuing to work on a final My Poet’s research paper based on the life and poetry of Theodore Roethke. My research paper will include a cento poem where I will collect lines and passages from the collected work of Roethke and place them in a new Unoriginal piece while also including a chapter dedicated to the conversation between Roethke and myself. I will be keeping a log of weekly activities while tracking my progress through updates to the eAlphabet to include Reveries based on the reading of Neuro and poetry created throughout the quarter. I will also post the works created throughout the Calculated Poetics sessions spring quarter.

Read Full ILC Here (pdf)

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie in Relation to Neuro

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Elements of Style

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Calculated Poetics

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 Term Paper Abstract

I is for Illumination

  is for ‘Illumination.’

Field Study Proposal

Questing the Grail–a continuation of C is for Ocean

In this Spring field study I will solidify my capability of semantic expression through the development of artistic form. I will compose a term paper based on my investigation of the lyrical forms employed by William Blake, Charles Baudelaire, and other inspiring poets. I will write poetry in response to the poems that evoke me the most, and, with the knowledge gained from this study, I will develop my own works of poetry. I will also be looking at the works of Kurt Cobain, as I work to develop a foundational understanding of expression and pursue it through public performance.

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

[catlist tags=c-logs2 date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Bachelardian Reverie

[catlist tags=c-bachelard2 date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]


[catlist tags=C-poetry2 excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Poetry Observed

(embedded youtube or Vimeo video will go here)

Term Paper Abstract

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P is for Place

Field Study Proposal

“Place is security, space is freedom: we are attached to the one and long for the other.” Yi-Fu Tuan writes in the introduction to Space and Place: the Perspective of Experience. This quarter the student will research space and place as philosophical and psychological ideas that contrast and complement each other as they form the basis of the human experience. Using the precepts of Goethean science as outlined in Craig Holdrege’s article “Doing Goethean Science,” she will be traveling to different locations to experience the affects of a variety of spaces and places on herself, that will result in a research paper and a chapbook of poetry and short prose on the subject. She will be participating in the As Poetry Recycles Neurons Tuesday seminars online, as well as working with an online peer writing group and continuing her “Not Knowing Notebook” started in Fall and Winter quarters. Daily somatics and writing exercises and poetry readings will serve as inspiration and help the student to immerse herself in and actively observe her environment.

Gallery:  As Space Becomes Place

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Weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry, Prose & Miscellany

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Poetry Observed

Term Paper Abstract

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R is for Ruins (Spring)

          Field Study Proposal

In this continuation of the R is for Ruins field study from Winter 2013, I will be taking a closer look at what it means to be a ruin and our fascination with ruins. I will be exploring various ghost towns, towns in disrepair, and “fully functional” cities In order to take a closer look at ruin in various states of its progression. I will be looking at current trends that incorporate ruins and see why they have grown. I will look into cyber culture , memory, and self as a ruin and will further explore all of this through poetry, prose, journaling, artwork, crafting, photography, and self meditation.


Read Complete ILC file

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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[catlist tags=r-poetry2 excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Poetry Observed



Term Paper Abstract

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E is for Writing Spring

Field Study Proposal

Writing fiction creates a world where we can explore the deepest elements of being human, and that is the goal of my novel. How to Survive Being Blessed is a story of those who have been touched by the gods. It is fourteenth century England, but the Greek and Roman gods are still worshipped. The gods have been proven to exist and people serve them as best as they are able. The gods are not always perfect but they care for their people, while the government is too tied up in protecting the wealthy to actually do things that matter very much for its citizens. There is Mauri, who has been blessed by Hermes and chosen by Morpheus to spread dreams all across the country. There is Clarabelle, who serves no gods, preferring to believe that humans could one day take care of themselves enough to not need the gods. Mauri’s son Tom has been touched by Ares and learns how to fight not just for fighting’s sake but for justice and those who have been wronged. Colin is a boy, has always been a boy, and it is just a matter of proving it to everyone else. He has been blessed by Morpheus and is held in high regard because of the way he pursues his dreams. Nightingale has been chosen by Aphrodite to bring people together. All of them go through trials and terrors because of the work they have chosen to do with their lives and the gods that have chosen some of the work for them, and all of them struggle to find themselves and survive in the wake of powers so much greater than themselves. More than just writing a story, I seek to answer what it means to write. Why do I feel the need to tell this story? What does culture say about women, fantasy, and bodily autonomy? I seek to listen and to counter all of these stories with tales of my own, using the Holdrege format to tell the story.

The novella I finished is included as an appendix to the Spring paper. It is 24,000 words long and encompasses the story of Mauri. I was unable to write the whole thing due to time constraints and the unexpected length of Mauri’s story. I hope to continue to work on the stories for the other characters and eventually turn it into a full length novel or series.


ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

[catlist tags=e2-logs date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Neuro Reverie

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[catlist tags=e2-poetry excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Poetry Observed

Term Paper Abstract

Abstract: How does my novel How to Survive Being Blessed recycle neurons? The first stage is taking ideas from culture to recycle into my own characters. The second stage is by using my own experiences. The third and last stage is by creating a story that is new and different from culture that will allow young adults to read about people who are like them, rather than the people that culture sees as beautiful or powerful.  

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C: Cycling and Recycling Field Study Post

Field Study proposal excerpt

This student will be more fully realizing her connections to cycles – inhalation and exhalation, consumption and elimination, solitude and community, inspiration and disillusion, night and day, spring and autumn, gathering and dispersing, and listening, holding and creating. In this contract, C is for Cycling, the student will gain new perspective on her basic needs and passions through bicycle travel, and immersion in Intentional Communities, Eco-Villages, and small farms across the United States.She will interview the people who live in these communities that live closely with cycles. In order to conduct interviews with the people she visits, and to share with others what she learns, the student will be completing a Human Subjects Review, learning basic interviewing, camera and sound recording skills. After she returns, this student intends to share what she has gathered by weaving these pieces into a cohesive whole, in the form of a short film.

My Blog:

See full proposal and weekly logs

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

[catlist tags=cy-logs date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Bachelardian Reverie

[catlist tags=cy-bachelard date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]


[catlist tags=cy-poetry excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Poetry Observed

(embedded youtube or Vimeo video will go here)

Term Paper Abstract

Goethean science is an approach to observation that allows the observer to see the connections between him or herself and the chosen phenomenon; to acknowledge and explore the environment’s effect on the observer, and the observer’s effect on what is observed. Through a field study in the class As Poetry Recycles Neurons at The Evergreen State College, I have used this phenomenological method to study cycles. I have spent the last two months bicycling down the west coast of the United States, visiting places where people choose to live more closely with cycles – including farms, intentional communities, and retreat centers. While cycling around to these various communities, I have used this approach, as described in Craig Holdrege’s paper Doing Goethean Science, to observe and interact with many cycles. I use his ideas along with the model of Buhner’s blend of poetry and prose in The Secret Teachings of Plants as a framework for this paper, as I seek to explain and illustrate this method. The Goethean practice begins with curiosity, a riddle, moves into observation or conversation with the phenomena, recycles the mind through exact picture building, and finds its completion in seeing the whole. Throughout this paper I have sought to bring my prose (in standard font) and poetic voices (centered and in Italics) into conversation with the voices of experts. Through this paper, it is my hope that the reader is able to understand and grasp Goethean science, and then apply this method of engaging the world to more deeply understand any question or phenomenon.

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N is for Nature

….is for nature

I will be complete the majority of the in class activities (save for the calculated poetics) and studying on Human Nature, Natural Nature, Mental Nature, Nature of my self, Nature of the other and how to heal the wounds created by these worlds crashing together

Field Study proposal excerpt

I will be learning about the healing aspects of nature and how poetry used in concert with nature can be conducive to recovery .  I will be trying to answer this question: what is so healing about nature?   To show my work I will be posting excerpts from my journal that I will be writing in the style of Susan Howe’s The Midnight.  I will also be reading books by Thoreau, Carlos Castaneda, Daniel Quinn, Stephen Harrod Buhner to gain additional view points on Nature from vastly different backgrounds and perspectives, and to formulate a synthesis of my own thoughts on nature with those that I study.

See full proposal and weekly logs

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

[catlist tags=N-logs date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Bachelardian Reverie

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[catlist tags=N-poetry excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Poetry Observed

(embedded youtube or Vimeo video will go here)

Term Paper Abstract

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