V – Week 3 Log

Week 3 Log of Hours/Work

April 15th – 5 hours

I worked on my ILC, fresh back from the Hoh rainforest with lots of inspiration in my pocket!

I also read Centering by M.C. Richards on this day.

April 16th – 7 hours

In class, 9:30 to 12, Back for meeting at 3:30-5

I also sat on the ceramics wheel and worked with the letter A, i then wrote about this experience and tied it to Centering. (see Poetry, Plants and Letters post)

April 17th – 6 hours

I took the morning to read from Centering and wrote about what i read.  I then went to the Evergreen Ceramics studio and worked on a few pieces and got introduced to the studio!  I then went and saw Girl Rising! a traveling film that played at school, about the importance of girls being educated and the difference it can make for communities.  I was deeply inspired by the young Poet from Peru.

April 18th – 5 hours

In class workshopping with Sam Cook and Michael Lee, so amazing!

Plant Profile, Dandelion! (Wood and Ink) also see post about Dandelions.

April 19th – 5 Hours

Herbal Apprenticeship, talking about Alder (Alnus rubra and our ideas on healing)

Total this week: 28 hours

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