Author Archives: Molly B.

Q~FABRIC (innat ure)

As the needle penetrates the fabric, as the pen inks the page, as the warp kisses the weft, The worlds meet as one.

me got lots of stories, lots of patterns, lots of fabrics,

me hold numbersome fabrics in my closet, on my bed, in my life.

me touch them in moments of inspiration, Like when me hear a distant fiddle, or when me smell a breeze of goat.


me hold fabrics of color, of sun, of intricate stories,

of elaborate fairytales,

of crumbling brick,

of fishing towns. Of the distant kitchen in my minds eye that I wish to cook in.

The thread that is my reverie, holds together all of the meaning made memories that are of my fabrics. So many fabrics.


I am a displaced warrior of a heritage that is lost somewhere in the word JEW, where the fabric is held in the old story of three.

Story department stories.


In an effort towards belonging, I will weave.

I will weave the shit out of synthetic fibers, made into a repetitive pattern in a cosmic culture of so much fucking fabric.

FABRIC (n.) late 15c., “building, thing made,” (1)

Fabric is not fabric.

Fabric is animal,vegetable,mineral- it cycles.

through hands.

FABRIC, in its glory, in its truth is what sets us apart and brings us together.

all civilization uses fiber, fabric, to survive.

all survival is in the fabric.

We are hand made, only.

We have handmade a culture that endures, in its fabric.

To claim a place as ones native home, one must have an intimate understanding with its fabric.

To be a mother, a digger, a harvester, a sower, a crafter

me must seek the source.

(what is source?)

the source might be the music, or the holding of babies, or the food, or the wet, or the dry…

the source is the way

the wet, the raw, the blood, the sweat, the fibers, the grit, the earth, the dirt, the sewn materials, of comfort.

The Patterns in Nature : The Fabric

(Sunshine folklore)

cultured fibers.


1. (





Of all of the fabrics that make up the melting pot,
layeth the Quilt,
strung up strewn, together, in threads of plenty.
The Quilt renders a moment cozy, or a moment cottony smooth , in the throat’s chest.
The rugged earth, red, of the Southwest
The rainforested mug warm of the Island vibe.
The Quilt takes on all of the textile traditions into a clusterfuckmagnet of color and shape.
From the source to the silk to the strands to the stitch
Its a song, that blanket is.

Q~Week 6 Log of my time

Monday February 11th-

Reading : Stanislas Dehaene/Marjorie Perloff- 3 hours

Tuesday Febuary 12th

Quilting for 4 hours, Study Abroad research, 1 hour

the poetics of colorful fabric study for 30 minutes

Wednesday February 13th

Kallari Chocolate Lecture- 2 hours

Rukha peer editing- 1 hour and a half

Thursday February 14th-

REVERIE 1 hour free write

Cacao research 1 hour

Friday Febuary 15th

“What is a Cranky? ” (a quilt song) workshop at the Oly Old Time Fest  3 hours

total hours: 17

Q- Anima/mus/out/in #1


” A  word moves about in the shadows

and swells in the draperies.”-(Bachelard, p49)


I am sitting and sewing, in and out, in and out.

I am sitting and sewing between substance and void, in and out, in and out.


My thoughts are shadows that get lost in the sewing together, in and out, in and out.

The quilt is a blanket, a cover, a protector and is merely that.


I am sitting, quilting, thinking of this day that I participated in an act of domestic art at Jan’s home. A surrogate grammy:



(IN, anima, thread)

I washed the temple walls. I washed them and all the prayers dripped down, as the breeze hummed through the window into the room. I washed the temple walls.

I washed the temple floors, hands and knees, on wood, with sponge. I washed the temple floors and saw all of the feet away into the clean. I washed the temple floors.

Oui, Bacon. This morning my chest’s breath whispers to me that it yearns bacon and coffee air. I am journal-less, this cold morning, having fallen asleep at the wheel. The words that describe beautiful cream blazers and almond croissants fill my body with many texturally pleasing thoughts. I hear the words of gruyere, of fresh, of food, of farm , of fancy. But I know that in my future of closeness, I will be delving into the huipil, peruvian, color journey rediscovering the tales in spanish, and weaving my way more south than that. I have yearned for a long time to be among the tapestry of tanned faces and beaded lizards and soil wetness amongst the colors of a culture that embraces the mother.


(OUT, animus, up)

What about the pain?

What about suffering?

What about the craft, that was stolen,raped,pillaged?

Where is the mother in the woven?


(in, anima, in)

And what about the violin? and the viola? and the oysters? what about the olive orchards? and the pasta? and the ancestral kitchen that I long to cook elaborate recipes in? With sheep’s milk and cast irons to the sea. I want to learn how to cook fish. I want to gut the fish of waters un known yet. I want to gut my fears. I want to be there for the babies of a culture whose waters are un known yet. The relevance of my research can only go as far as the place that exists just before my taste buds do their own research.


(out, animus,what)

What about the story?

the old story of pain?

of suffering?

of forcing?

of sickness?

of hatred?

(in,anima, innnnnnnnnnn)

I know that somewhere out there is a terra cota kitchen, with a loom and a family that is going to hug me and feed me fresh corn and meat in a stew of old recipes, fresh pasta and wine, singing and hovering over the pot all day. I know that there is going to be a place where I can catch culture, that I witness enter into the colorful tapestry of tradition, into modernity, in integrity.

And I will go there with my remembrance of he who peddles the bread, she who threshes the wheat. In his white teeshirt and white skin. With his chain smoked hair and the cracks in his face, I will remember to bring the fisherman, and bring the fashionista, the suffering and the sufferer and bring the gardenia and bring the foreign films to the already foreign place in Right Relationship. The essence of what I want for breakfast must be brought to each day as a thread. A thread of silver lining, of whichever color represents the flavor of my tapestry. A slow brewed quilt that will hold me through the mile stones. Viajar en los piases que inspiro mi vida, mi hupil, mi amore es solamente una ves que ir. Language barriers are not barriers if you are carrying a handmade tapestry of all of the parts of you that make you feel inspired and holy no matter



How hard you hurt.

he hurts, she hurts, we hurt.

(in and out)

I will quilt it, I promise, gently so that we find comfort again.

Q- week 5 log

Monday Febuary 4th: 1 hour quilting

2 hours reading The Secret Teachings of Plants

2 hours reading Dehaene/Perloff

45 min seminar paper

Tuesday February 5th:

5 hours field research in “the domestic arts” cleaning Jan’s home.

Wednesday February 6th:

2 hours Bachelard/reverie

1 hour “The Secret Teachings of Plants”

1 hour Quilting

Thursday February 7th:

2 hours Quilting

1 hour “The Secret Teachings of Plants”

Friday February 8th:

1 hour “Quilters : Women in Domestic Art” book

Total: 15 hours and 45 minutes

Q is for Quilt

Quilted consciousness, an ancient heirloom. A smell, a memory, a taste. A story, recycled. Terroir-place,ingredients,sounds, senses, flavors, of memory, of people, of place, of words. She will find the poetry of her threads.  Here is the exploration of her feminine myth, the gathering of the pieces and the threading of her stories. For the course of one month, she will be guided to the folklore of her fabrics, to the tradition of her threads, to the ancestry of her passions, hand sewing a quilt along the way. She will be practicing how to be in direct perception with the wild nature in her. She will piece her story, and lay in it to dream.

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

Term Paper Abstract

In finding the use my hands through delicate empiricism:

I am a Maiden, in a time of question, looking for my native home. I believe it that all of my passion is intimately tied to a feminine displacement, much greater than my own. How a woman uses her hands, is how she is defined. I am yearning to find my hands, my village and my home.  How do I walk in right relationship with my heart, a heart that is in my body alone? How will my heart guide me to what I already know?