Author Archives: dousar12

E is for Writing

 Field Study Proposal

Michael Doughty will spend a month immersing himself in the intersection between transgender narratives and how reading can change the way that people view the world. He will use this knowledge and experience to create a narrative that is designed to give the reader the experience of coming out as a transgender person and then transitioning.

Read complete field study proposal


ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

Your Journey Home Introduction

Poetry Observed

Holdrege Paper

Abstract: Every person has a conversation with culture. They take in ideas, ideologies, and contribute a piece of themselves in return. This paper is about my conversation with culture. It is about what literature thinks of transgender people and the rebuttal of my own experiences. It is the story of my story, how my narrative designed to give people the sensation of being trans* was born.

Read full Winter Term Paper


This is the story that was the goal of my project

Your Journey Home Through the Boyhood that Wasn’t