May 26th
3 hours reading Cuda
3 hours reading Damasio
30 minutes chan meditation session
daily total: 6 and 1/2 hours
May 27th
1 hour meditataion session
4 hours editing Holdrege and Howe style paper
30 minutes reading Damasio
daily total: 5 hours
May 28th
2 hours listening to sublime
1 hour reading Cuda
1 hour reading Damasio
1 hour writing poetry
daily total: 5 hours
May 29th
2 hours re-reading Unoriginal Genius Fig. 5.1-5.5
1 hour listening to Sublime
1 hour meditataion session
1 hour reading Cuda
daily total: 5 hours
May 30th
4 hours editing Holdrege and Howe style paper
2 hours reading Cuda
daily total: 6 hours
May 31st
1 hour editing Holdrege and Howe style paper
30 minutes reading Damasio
30 minutes re-reading poetry in Howe
4 hours drawing Sublime Sunshine 40oz to Freedom
daily total: 6 hours
May 32nd
3 hours writing poetry about Sublime
2 hours listeing to Sublime
1 hour editing Holdrege and Howe style paper
daily total: 6 hours
This week: 40 hours
Cumulative Total: 166 hours
Reading List:
The Midnight by Susan Howe
Unoriginal Genius: poetry by other means in the new century by Marjorie Perloff Fig. 5.1-5.5