Author Archives: edwdav17


Hey Mister Eliot How long have you been sitting on that library shelf

Just another dead white guy no longer relevent

Well some day I’ll be one too. Diferrence is you won the Nobel Prize for Literature

Something for me to shoot for next time around. All I’ve got to show for myself right now

Are several hundred song lyrics all done up in straight-jacket Rhythem and rhyme

But hey I’ve learned how to get the pencil moving and that’s got to count for something

If you have some time on your hands I’ve got a story to tell you and I’ll try to get beyond that

sing song stuff so that you will find it interesting


H – Week 5 Log

February 11th

x hour – reading
x hours – journaling about the relationship between music, notes and my hands
x hours – interviewing pianist at a church

February 12th

2 hours – derive – take note of things I was drawn to
1.5 hours – journaling – crafting notes into poem


This week: 8 hours

Cumulative total: 48 hours

Reading List:

  • The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture
  • The Secret Teachings of Plants
  • Beyond the Body Proper: Reading the Anthropology of Material Life

H is for Hawk

Field Study Proposal

How best to present classic Russian poetry to people who do not speak Russia. I will be preparing a short bi-lingual presentation of Russian poems with English language translations. This will involve selecting texts, comparing translations, creating my own translations if possible. I will be reading thru the material on translation in the library on the subject of literary translation. creating an introduction to the reading that will but the material in perspective, learning the art of reciting poetry and memorizing.

read complete field study proposal


ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

Term Paper Abstract

Read full term paper