Author Archives: ingren07

Glassblowing Poetry Part 1

Like Hephaestus at his forge,
I am molding molten lava
To d e l i c a t e and beautiful form
I dance atop my Volcano with trusty rod in hand
From table to bench,

Do Fire Gods treat molten glass like gum?
Harvesting glass rock to heat and chew in their fiery maw
Twisting on long flame-dripping fingers
Like a child in boredom
Cosmic child at play

Fire and Pressure bring life to Earth
Processing rock into bits and bits of beautiful sand
Fire licks the sand to a wonderful potential
Dripping glory of matter’s birth into new form

Week 7 Log

May 11th

20 minutes: Morning Transcendental Meditation session
2 hours: Reading Neuro
1 hours: Drafting Neuro Reverie
2 hours: Readings Rosenthal’s Transcendance
20 minutes: Evening Meditation session
40 minutes: Researching Glassblowing techniques
2 hours: Reading Mahesh Yogi
(8 hours, 20 min)

May 12th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation Session
3 hours: Reading Neuro
1 hours: Reading Rosenthal’s Transcendance
2 1/2 hours: Reading CP Weekly Readings/Drafting poem
2 hours: Reading Psychoanalysis of Fire
1 1/2: Writing Poetry
1 hour: Watching Raven Skyriver’s Glassblowing videos
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(10 hours, 40 min)

May 13th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
11/2 hours: Drafting Calculated Poetic poem
2 hours: Reading Yogi’s Science of Being
2 hours: Drafting Poetry
3 hours: Meeting with Casey Naylor, Friend of friend who is a freelance glassblower
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(7 hours, 40 minutes)

May 14th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
2 hours 20 minutes: Reading Transcendental & Science of Being
4 hours: Talking with Glassblowers at Pratt Art Seattle
2 hours: Dhammakaya Meditation class at Seattle Meditation Center
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
30 minutes: Posting Neuro Reverie
(9 hours, 20 minutes)

May 15th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
1 hours: Reading Bachelard’s Psychoanalysis of Fire
2 hour: Reading/Drafting/Posting Queneau’s Exercises
2 hours: Drafting Poetry
1 hour: Final Revisions of CP weekly Poem
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(6 hours, 40 minutes)

May 16th my dad had a heart issue that is thankfully only a temporary virus, I went from the Emergency room to the Meditation center and then immediately to bed.

May 17th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
1 hour: Reading Rosenthal’s Trancendence
1 hour: Watching Glassblowing videos
20 minutes: Evening Meditation session
(2 hours, 40 minutes)


This week: 45

Cumulative Total: 78

Reading List:
Transcendence Dr. Rosenthal
Science of Being, Art of Living Mahesh Yogi
The Psychoanalysis of Fire Gaston Bachelard

Week 7 Calculated Poem

Renee Ingersoll

as poetry recycles neurons

week 7

calculated poem


“The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand. Surely the second coming is at hand..” (Yeats, The second coming)

Passionate immorals hold innocence under the water until no bubbles of hope resurface. The admirable and kind hide in apathy and an unwillingness to try. Hopelessness spreads like an airborne sickness as the sinners, heathens and demons of this world take up arms of ambition. May Armageddon be a tilling of this dry and used dirt, surely the good have planted in secret, the seeds to grow this earth anew

Week 7 Neuro Reverie

Renée Ingersoll

As Poetry Recycles Neurons


Neuro Reverie


Neuro Reverie

“..The criminal as, anatomically and physiologically, an organic anomaly.”
(Rose and Abi-Rached, Neuro; 169)

“During the last fifteen years there is no specific work in criminal anthropology to be recorded…”
(Rose and Abi-Rached, Neuro; 169)

Call me a criminal anthropologist,
working with those anatomic
you call delinquents
I’ve ridden the ride
without the jail time
just the person on the other end of that payphone
hoping it will only be months, not years

Call me a criminal anthropologist
whose fallen in love with her subjects
once she saw the other side of their dark moons
why they’re even pushing to begin with
which moms and dads were
crack addicts
or just too young for parenting
hoping they won’t turn out like them

Call me a criminal anthropologist
torn between my real world
and trying to pull them out of the game
if everyone knew them like I do
they wouldn’t be looked down upon
in that way that stops them from trying to get jobs
one felony doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to eat
without food stamps
or flipping molly for gas station food

Call me a criminal anthropologist
but i’d rather be called their friend

Week 6 Log

May 6th

20 minutes: Morning Transcendental Meditation session, first session with chosen Mantra “IM”
1 1/2 hours: Reading Neuro
1 hours: Writing Neuro Reverie
3 hours: Readings Rosenthal’s Transcendance
30 minutes: Evening Meditation session (turned into 30, supposed to be 20)
1 hours: Researching Glassblowing history
(7 hours 20 min)

May 7th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation Session
1 hours: Susan Gevirtz Lecture
2 hours: Reading Rosenthal’s Transcendance
1 hours: Reading Weekly Calculated Poetics PDFs
1 hour: Revising/posting Neuro Reverie
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
( 5 hours, 40 min)

May 8th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
11/2 hours: Writing/Posting Calculated Poetic poem
2 hours: Reading Yogi’s Science of Being
2 hours: Drafting Poetry
1 1/2 hours: Queneau Style Exercises
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(7 hours, 40 minutes)
May 9th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
2 hours: Reading Transcendental & Science of Being
4 1/2 hours: Meeting with Glassblowers at Pratt Art Seattle, Didn’t get to do any work but watched a Glassblowing class work and met a few of the Glassblowers.
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(7 hours, 10 minutes)
May 10st

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
1 hours: Drafting Poetry
11/2 hours: Reading Bachelard’s Psychoanalysis of Fire
2 hour: Drafting/ Posting Glassblowing/Bachelard Reverie
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(5 hours, 10 minutes)


This week: 33

Cumulative Total: 33

Reading List:
Transcendence Dr. Rosenthal
Science of Being, Art of Living Mahesh Yogi
The Psychoanalysis of Fire Gaston Bachelard


Week 6 Psychoanalysis of Fire

“Indeed, I do not think I lit a fire myself before
I was eighteen years old. It was only when I lived alone that I
became master of my own hearth.
(Bachelard, The Psychoanalysis of Fire; 9)

Like a drop of rain, my mantra forms and orb
It feels like my mouth forms a bead with each repetition
Each drop a synapses
My mind finds meaning in only a sound
In this dim stairway I mind tingling sensation of sound

Have I become this sound if I am what my mind experiences?
Can I stay like this forever?
I wonder if people could get addicting to meditating,
and left my trance on that thought.

Like beautiful tears from melancholy god’s 
The glass oozes from the fire’s touch
Blushing a bright orangey red
at each lick of flame
Watching all this sand and flame brings
of course, only one thought to my mind,
Am I the sand or the flame?
Are you the blistering heat I bend and droop away from?
To form something beautiful after the burns?
Or am I your flame, 
shaping you to your best interest
without a thought to my own fuel source…

Week 6 Calculated Poem

“Imagine a series of Chinese boxes in which each box contains a series of chinese boxes.”
(Fractal Geometry, 22)
“You are everywhere partial and entire.
(Hymn, A.R. Ammons)

I hold the universe in my curves
A plethora of galaxies hidden in my pupils
Planets far and near tucked with the hair behind my ear
“Everything small is just a small version of something big.”
A wise adventurer once said
so I’ll wear asteroids strung like bracelets,
and adorne stars for earrings
and bathe in ideal redundancies in the echo chamber
so I can hear the angel’s voices
all from the peal of a bell.
I am Everywhere, partially and entirely
committing to no commitments
Queen empress of the universe and peasant to myself.
A Series of me in which each me contains a series of me. 

Week 6 Neuro Reverie

Renée Ingersoll

As Poetry Recycles Neurons

Tuesday Reverie


Word Count: 182


Neuro Reverie

“It appeared that this challenged the conventional, rationalist accounts of ascription—that we understand the intentions of others by creating theories about what lies behind their appearance or their acts, on the basis of our own commonsense psychology about their desires and their beliefs about how to achieve them. It was not through theorizing about others, but through feeling what they feel, that we understand the mental states of others. I really do ‘feel your pain.’” (Rose & Abi-Rached, Neuro; 146)
If you gathered my life’s data, could you understand me through theory alone?
A stew of memory snipets, scents and what I can put into words

All my wants, needs, favorites, reactions, morals, significant others, friends, traumas and elations

Compiled into an equation to show you how it feels to see a person who isn’t there

Have your best friend choose an internet lover over your 12 years together

Get the call that one of your closest friend is locked up for 10 to 25

Be completely in love with two people

Hate yourself to the point of seven suicide attempts

To just name a few

You can’t put that sadness into numbers, I can barely put them into words

That utter despair, only desperate howling wails can truly convey

That hopelessness that refuses your sleep, pacing like a madman around the walls of your heart

That anxiety pressing into the soft flesh of your throat like a tightening noose

I used to say all life could be put into an equation, the chemicals at least

but what are the elements that make up suffering


G is for Glassblowing

Field Study Proposal

This student will be studying 3 different forms of meditation using the Goethean Scientific Field Study for 1 month beginning in May and reycling her expierence through poetry, art and prose. The first will be the meditation of labor through interning with a glassblower in Seattle and will be the main focus. She will be studying what meditation comes through laborious activities through glassblowing. The second will be attending the Seattle Meditation Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays for beginners in Dhammakaya meditation taught by Thai Monks. The third will be the study of Trancendental Meditation through Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal’s Transcendence: Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s The Science of Being and Art of Living and many other online resources. She will also be doing yoga Mondays, Wednesdays on her own through previous classes at Edmonds Community College. She will combine this work into a Term paper.

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

[catlist tags=g-bachelard date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]


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Poetry Observed

(embedded youtube or Vimeo video will go here)

Term Paper Abstract

Read full term paper