Author Archives: malmar29

Ab – Week 9 Logs.

Week 9:

Monday, May 27

1 hour – read conclusion to Neuro

1 ½ hours – wrote and posted Neuro Reverie on conclusion.

1 hour – looked up Vanessa Place’s Statements of Facts. Found an interesting review on Jacket2.

½ hour – read over previous self-evaluations from fall and winter quarter. Started to write spring quarter evaluation.

Tuesday, May 28

2 hours – Last seminar on Perloff and Neuro.

2 ½ hours – rallying in solidarity with the Student Support Services at Evergreen.

½ hours – meeting with Sarah about project.

2 hours – drafting self evaluations.

½ hours – developing ideas for presentation.

Wednesday, May 29


1 ½ hours – worked on self evaluations

1 ½ hours – artist lecture series.

½ hours – posted anthology to blog, up dated ILC on blog, turned in hard copy of book to faculty.

Thursday, May 30

6 hours – writing self evaluation.

1 ½ hours – editing Rukha’s term paper.

Friday, May 31

4 ½ hours – writing self-evaluations and faculty evaluations.

Saturday, June 1

worked all day.

Sunday, June 2

2 hours – working on presentation.

Weekly Total: 29 hours

Cumulative Totals: 318 hours

Ab- Spring Reverie Week 9.

Marisa Malone

Neuro Reverie Conclusion.

Week. 9

Word Count: 107

Emotions course through the veins, engage the heart and the lungs, the bowels and the genitals, the muscles, the skin and face. As for cognition, do we not think, literally here, with hands and eyes?” (Rose, Abi-Rached, 230)

My body is a translator of the tangled neurons and synapsis that line layers of skin.

My brain functions through my entire body–or, my body functions through my entire brain (?)

Through western culture, through education, through privilege, through ability, my hands and eyes have evolved to become the translators of the world, the word, the thought, the image, the feeling, filtered through my body-brain. If I literally think with my body and my body is emotion and my body is female and my body is object and my body is seen and I frame my body in cultural values…do I trust my hands and eyes?

Ab – Week 8 Logs.

Week 8:

Monday, May 20

2 hours – Identifying and putting away type at Sherwood Press.

4 ½ hours – working on anthology in Indesign.

Tuesday, May 21

2 ½ hours – seminar on last chapters of Neuro and Perloff. Student’s sharing their work.

2 ½ hours – making detailed edits to anthology in Indesign. Started to play with cover design.

½ hours – met with Sarah about anthology, came up with frontice piece for book.

1 hour – met with Sara Martin about anthology and classes for next year.

1 hour – writing Neuro reverie.

Wednesday, May 22

6 ½ hours– working on cover and anthology in Indesign, watching tutorials on how to navigate Indesign.

½ hour – met with Ryan who showed me some tools in Photoshop.

1 hour – playing with cover image in Photoshop.

Thursday, May 23

4 ½ hours – looking over anthology, playing with cover designs in Photoshop and Indesign.

2 hours – guest speaker Eirik Steinhoff.

4 ½ hours – finalizing cover in Indesign with help from Katie.

Friday, May 24

4 hours – FINISHED THE BOOK! finalized cover, uploaded and published book to, made purchase of 50 copies!! got reimbursement receipt taken care of.

Saturday, May 25

worked all day, then rested.

Sunday, May 26

Worked all day, then rested.

Weekly Totals: 37 hours

Cumulative Totals: 289 hours

Ab – Spring Reverie Week 8

Marisa Malone

Neuro Reverie ch. 7


Word count: 150

“Goldsmith’s “transcriptions” is thus hardly passive recycling.” (Perloff, 161)

“The self is not a thing but a process…we are ‘selfing’ organisms…” (Metzinger, 213)

We are creatures that find our “selves” in what surrounds us. Perhaps that makes Goethe’s approach to science even more compelling—by incorporating, projecting and relating ones self to an object or environment, we distort the separateness between our self and the other. We become what we create and we create what we become. We are transcribing ourselves constantly as our minds make sense of the moments flashing before us, remembering, fastening, and firing within the structure of our hardwire. Through this process of “selfing” we are continually forming the pathways of synapsis that remind us of who we are, where we just were and where we might go. This brings a sense of consistency but allows for fluctuation. When we consciously decide to include “our selves” in that which surrounds us we are no longer passive receivers of outside data, but we become both architects and structures of that data.

Ab – Week 7 logs.

Week 7:

Monday, May 13

1 hour – looking up Kenny Goldsmith’s Traffic and Jean-Luc Godard’s Weekend.

1 ½ hours – putting away type at Sherwood Press.

1 ½ hours – adding bibliography to anthology, figuring out footnotes/endnotes for quotes.

1 ½ hours – writing and posting Neuro reverie.

Tuesday, May 14

2 ½ hours – Seminar on Perloff and Neuro, students sharing poetry and projects.

½ hour – meeting with Sarah, going over feedback for anthology.

2 hours – making small edits on the anthology: consistancy with pronouns, numbering peoples quotes, adding Buhner to Introduction.

1 hour – Meeting about Slightly West budget.

½ hour – getting image of neuro map onto cover.

Wednesday, May 15

1 hour – scanning submissions for SW and making a calendar for next year.

2 ½ hours – working on anthology in Indesign.

1 hour – watching Indesign tutorials.

Thursday, May 16

4 hours – working along side Indesign tutorials and formatting anthology.

1 ½ hours – reading Neuro ch. 7

Friday, May 17

5 ½ hours – working on anthology in Indesign.

½ hours – editing anthology according to Sarah’s feedback.

Saturday, May 18

worked all day

Sunday, May 19

½ hours – finished reading Neuro.

Weekly Total: 28½ hours

Cumulative Totals: 216 hours.

Ab – Spring Reverie Week 7

Marisa Malone

Neuro Reverie #2

Wk. 7

Word Count: 85


“The mechanism is the growth and pruning of synapses in response to experience—synapses that become “hard-wired” by repeated use.” (Abi-Rached, Rose, 194)


Humans are conditioned/conditional creatures, we live through patterns, repetition, ritual, routine and consistency. The repetition creates a thought path in our neurons that brings us comfort and familiarity and habituate our actions and reactions accordingly. These synapses get fired and welded together from rewards and consequences regarding behavior, appearance, class, and gender based on the expectations that fill such labels from the powers that be. The “mechanism” in place imposes the foundation of what will or wont make us “feel good” hard-wiring a consumer mentality.

Ab – Week 6 Logs.

Week 6:

Monday, May 6

1 hour – sorting type at Sherwood Press

1 ½ hours – revising mid-quarter evaluation.

½ hour – writing reverie on Neuro chapter 5

½ hour – looking over anthology, adding class bibliography.

Tuesday, May 7

2 ½ hours – Guest speaker Susan Gevirtz (so great!)

1 hour – looking up recommended anthologies from Susan, San Francisco State University Poetry Center and Mills College.

½ hour – mid quarter evaluation with Sarah.

2 hours – starting to format the anthology in Indesign.

½ hours – check in meeting with Sara Martin on anthology.

Wednesday, May 8

2 hours – watching Indesign tutorials.

1 ½ hours – artist lecture: Susan Gevirtz on gender and genera.

Thursday, May 9

4 ½ hours – watching Indesign tutorials and playing with anthology format in Indesign.

½ hours – reading Neuro Ch. 6

Friday, May 10

4 hours – working on anthology in Indesign

1 ½ hours – reading Neuro

Saturday, May 11

½ hours – looking up Yoko Tawada and Caroline Bergvall

Sunday, May 12

2 hours – Finished Unoriginal Genius!!!!

Weekly Totals: 24 ½ hours

Cumulative Totals: 187 ½ hours

Ab – Spring Reverie week 6

Marisa Malone

Reverie on Neuro ch. 5

Spring qt. wk.6

Word Count: 131

“Imaging technologies, with their focus on the localization of function and the experimental manipulations they require and utilize, impose their own constraints and logics as to what can be thought.” (Rose & Abi-Rached, 158)

Do we chose what we want to see? Are these images of brains showing the viewer a portrait of themselves? And if so, where is the point at which these two brains (the one in the skull and the one on screen) connect?

Brain imaging technologies only show but those with the power to view are the ones who tell. By viewing the brain, watching where it illuminates and cast shadows, the viewer is faced with their own constraint of thought to try and explain that of an others. The meaning given to these images and translators supplies the truth in their story. The truth becomes power and power defines the “normal.” These translations are fictive, they are subjective, they are the constraint of ones thoughts viewing a brain under constraint.

Ab – Week 5 Logs.

Week 5:

Monday, April 29

3 hours – added images into anthology, read about formatting, printed draft.

2 hours – peer review session. Talked about our understanding/confusion of The Midnight.

1 hour – revising final seminar pass.

Tuesday, April 30

7 hours – Tuesday core component: morning lecture, seminar on Howe and Neuro, guest poet Lucia Perillo.

1 hour – anthology: removing images, brainstorming ideas on use of images.

Wednesday, May 1

3 hours – Anthology: revising, adding table of content, figuring out quote markers.

1 ½ hours – Artist lecture: Stokley Towles (so good!).

2 ½ hours – Reading Slightly West submissions, attending budget hearing, group meeting, scanning in submissions.

½ hours – drafting academic statement.

Thursday, May 2

½ hour – replying to seminar passes online.

2 ½ hours – drafting mid-quarter evaluation.

½ hour – sherwood press.

1 ½ hours – reading Unoriginal Genius (good chapter!)

Friday, May 3

3 ½ hours – Working on anthology. Alphabetizing poems, revising introduction, adding images, playing with formatting.

½ hour – reading Neuro

Saturday, May 4

1 hour – reading Neuro ch. 5

Sunday, May 5

½ hour – reading Neuro

1 ½ hours – revising mid quarter evaluation.

Weekly Totals: 33 ½ hours

Cumulative Totals: 164 hours