Author Archives: Crystal Poor

About Crystal Poor

I am a crafty and creative woman who is interested in poetry, art, long walks on beaches, and poking dead things on beaches with a stick. I have in recent years graduated from The Evergreen State College, got married, and am leading a fairly productive life outside in the world I love. It isn't always rainbows and butterflies but it's a good life, and I will keep creating things for as long as I live.

Neuro reverie #1

Human beings dance for this
History with others
Human contact does not just
establish the conditions for
the social and human sciences.

Across the “two Cultures”
We are governed or govern ourselves

We live in groups
Weather in love or by hate,
is it as one might say,
in our nature.
For the human sciences,
we are not born
like that of our primate ancestors

The forms that it takes,
this social brain
bridging left and right hemisphere,

So Popular.

Week 5 log

April 29th

  • 1hr of peer review

  • 3 hrs of reading Lord Byron

  • 1hr writing

  • 1hr meditative thinking

April 30th

  • 1hr  Poetry Reading and Interpretation

  • 1.5hr  Seminar: As poetry recycles neurons in conversations between Marjorie Perloff’s poets and Neuro

  • 1.5hr Guest Poet: Lucia Perillo

  • 2hrs reading The Last Myth and My Poets

May 1st

  • 1.5hrs Writing Workshop w/TESC program Methods of Mathematical Physics

  • 3hrs reading My Poets and Neuro

May 2nd

  • 1.5hrs  “Doing Goethean Science: Your Poet”  Weekly explorations of themes from Neuro in relationship to the poet of student’s choice modeled on Maureen McLane’s My Poets

  • 2hrs of reading Lord Byrons compleat works

  • 1hr of reading Lord Byron and the Ruins of Paridise

May 3rd

  • 4hrs on the old hilltop ward park exploring the grounds and finding some of the most fantastic views of the mountains I’d ever seen. took photos, wrote some quick bits of poetry. All in Lakewood, WA.

  • 0.5hr in steilacoom exploring the tiny place before we left

  • 2 hr writing and meditating at old docks in Hoquiam, WA

May 4th

  • 3hrs on working on Photoshop Techniques

  • 4hrs shifting through photos from yesterdays trip and editing them in PS CS6, utilizing new things learned through

May 5th

  • 3hrs reading Nuro and Perloff

  • 1hr typing up work from journal

  • 2hrs working on photoshop work

  • .5hrs doing wordpress work

Total Hours this week: 42 hours

The Stone (Another Memory Poem)

I’ve seen the truth slip out your mouth and vanish.
thus giving your speech no ring, nothing to hold to.
There is no peace within this glade, as you stand befor me,
sun ore your head, your sham has met it’s end
with my defiance. I will not waver like the trees to the wind,
I am stone, solid and forboding,
ominouse yet beautiful in its own right.
and you my dear wind, have no power over me.
Yet you are blind and see nothing,
you do not see the softer side of the stone,
the part that weeps, for you once ment so much,
now you mean so little.

Memories of Heartache

Maybe I’m not dead yet
but you’ve already buried me.
you laid me to rest
with her hand in yours,
thorns of the rose
drawing blood.

“I’ll always love you” that’s
what you said before I
Turned my head, and you
slipped far out of reach,
far beneath this sea
of red lies.

monotone eyes look on
as a heart lies broken

Unity in Time

“Asylum barn” by Crystal Muns

I hold within me all
the secrets of my time
not your time,
just my clock
not yours,

It shifts me through
the many gears
that grind on my heart
that tug at my sleeve
and lead me to,
I haven’t the slightest!

The road goes ever on
and on, down from the door
where it all began
twenty three years ago
in a dry city,
and eastern city,
a Rich-land.

Twenty three years
between me and her
but twenty three years
we share all the same
My mind is the child’s
and the child’s is mine

Unity in the chaos
of an ever flowing

Winters Heart (A Reflection)


“She Walks in Beauty” by Crystal Muns 2013

The days fly by my window like the birds who
having nowhere else to roam, and having made this
dreary town their own, nestle in the hidden kiss
of serpentine dew,
Eden is old fashioned too!
And so all faith shall go amiss
as night to gaudy day resists
all that is, and all that’s overdue.

Bring hand in hand the end of days
may the bell of sorrow ring no more
but may the light of all these winters
never lose their chord, least there blaze,
a passionate fire, uncontrolled devolve to lore,
so that my heart shall weep forever-more.

Cold Streets

“Love hurts” by Crystal Muns 2013

Its not sad to say
that things just sliped away
it happens all to often in this place.
the streets are cold now,
I cant hear your breath,
what more is there left.

I’ve been lost in winter mournings
icy and frost covered
blue lips kiss my sleep
drenched eyelids, and
I’m lost in amaranthian summers

What is reality?

R is for Ruins (Spring)

          Field Study Proposal

In this continuation of the R is for Ruins field study from Winter 2013, I will be taking a closer look at what it means to be a ruin and our fascination with ruins. I will be exploring various ghost towns, towns in disrepair, and “fully functional” cities In order to take a closer look at ruin in various states of its progression. I will be looking at current trends that incorporate ruins and see why they have grown. I will look into cyber culture , memory, and self as a ruin and will further explore all of this through poetry, prose, journaling, artwork, crafting, photography, and self meditation.


Read Complete ILC file

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

[catlist tags=r-logs2 date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]


[catlist tags=r-bachelard2 date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]


[catlist tags=r-poetry2 excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Poetry Observed



Term Paper Abstract

Read full term paper

Week 4 log

April 22th

  • 3hrs reading The last Myth
  • 2 hours  Monday class  session
  • 2 hours writing

April 23th

  • 1.5hr Class seminar
  • 1hr comp. lab w/class
  • 3.5hrs collectively reading Ruins, The last myth, Neuro, the Midnight and some Lord Byron sprinkled here and there.

April 24th

  • 1.5hrs writing workshop
  • 1.5hrs artist lecture series
  • 3hrs reading Byron and the ruins of Paradise and rereading the Midnight

April 25th

  • 1hr my poets—was half hour late to class due to car trouble
  • 2hr micro lecture/seminar
  • 4hr reading The Last myth, Meditation in a NY minute, Ruins and Byron

April 26th

  • 4hrs learning more about photoshop on lynda
  • 2hrs of writing

April 27th

  • 2hrs writing
  • 4hrs of online research into Alzheimer’s, Mental illness, neurobiology, Ruins.

April 28st

  • 2hrs collectively looking for ruins in Olympia, Mcleary, Satsop
  • Car broke down in Satsop, WA!…….not a fun thing to have happen but it is just  one of the many joys of owning a car. Got stranded without my homework materials, will post all on April 29th, 2013 after typing it all up. Sorry.


This week: 40

Reading List:

  • The Last Myth by Mathew Gross and Mel Gilles
  • Byron and the Ruins of Paradise by Johns Hopkins
  • Ruins
  • Meditation in a New York minute
  • The Midnight
  • Neuro