Author Archives: simand31

Hh – Week 7 Reverie

“Antisocial and violent conduct is a major social problem, which also generates significant economic costs, and is hence an important target for government intervention. Such conduct runs in families, and a small proportion of families in any community account for a large proportion of its violent crime. Hence risk for antisocial aggression is transmitted intergenerationally. While twin studies have shown significant heritability, they have been unable to identify the specific genetic bases of risk.” (Neuro, 188)


Passive aggressive actions

We’re just alike

Acting out aggression afterward

Violence might be silent

But it is never silenced

We two are the same, why?

Genetic likeness

Like the fuel was lit inside us

Sometimes it seems futile to fight it

Once ignition goes decisions go

From good to bad and they’re out the window

And we’re put into limbo

But why us two here now?

Why we so alike

Where it’s hard to hear now

It’s cause our type is the same

Which is why we both end caught up

In passive aggression that bothers

Because it’s me and him

And he, is my father.

Hh – Week 6 Log

May 6th

3.5 hours – Reading: How To Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip Hop MC
3 hours – Writing lyrics
1.5 hours – Studying Tupac: The Rose That Grew From Concrete

May 7th

3 hours – Writing lyrics
2 hours – Writing poetry

1 hour – Mid Quarter Evaluation

May 8th

1.5 hours – Attending Guest Lecture
2 hours – Writing and editing lyrics
3 hours – Reading: How to Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip Hop MC
1.5 hours – Studying Tupac: 2Pacalypse
1 hour – Reading: My Poets: My Louise Gluck 

May 9th

1.5 hours – Attending “My Poets” Class
3 hours – Reading: How to Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip Hop MC
1.5 hours – Watching: Tupac Shakur: Thug Angel on Netflix
1 hour – Planning outline of “My Poets” term papers

May 10th

 3 hours – Writing lyrics
0.5 hours – Scheduling time to use piano practice room to record
2 hours – Reading: How To Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip Hop MC
2.5 hours – Writing Poetry 


This week: 38 hours

Cumulative total: 38 hours

Reading List:

  • My Poets

  • How To Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip Hop MC

  • The Rose That Grew from Concrete

Hh – Week 6 Reverie

“We live in groups, families, communities, societies. We work collaboratively in organizations, fight in bands and armies, take pleasure in events where we gather together to dance, party, watch or play sports. We interact in pairs, and small and large groups, whether in love or in hate, in teams and gangs, and in everyday activities. We care for one another and experience sympathy, empathy, or a sense of obligation to some, though not to others.” (Neuro, 142)

This passage really spoke to me because during this time of my field study i’ve been dealing alot with defining who I empathize with and where I see those empathetic interactions around me.

I ask myself every time I write, who is this for? Who am I trying to speak to?

Am I empathizing or showing lack of empathy?

What have I seen of empathy?

I’ve watched groups of people in different environments come together

I’ve seen gangs form on the streets, and watched gangs take another form on a college campus

I’ve known well what happens when groups come together out of love and when they come together out of hate.

I’ve experienced what happens when people from different backgrounds come together to party

I’ve been a part of different communities and i’ve been apart from different communities.

Where do my obligations lie?

If I had to give an answer, i’d say my obligations lie with the oppressed.

Yet, my biggest obligation is to myself, to maintain who I am

But to learn from the other groups of society’s oppressed people

I will be the loud speaker that they can scream through

Because I empathize with them, as they do with me.

And that is the reason I want to make music.

Hh is for Hip-Hop Music

Field Study proposal excerpt

Throughout the time with this contract Andre will be studying self expression and creativity through Hip-hop, an oral art form with roots in music and poetry. He will be studying the techniques of Hip-hop artists and implementing them into his own music and poetry, and will be creating a “My Poets” chapter based on Maureen McClane’s “My Poets: My Emily Dickinson” for both Hip-hop artist Tupac Shakur’s lyrics and poetry as well as his own. To produce this music Andre will be using self supplied recording equipment to create a collection of voice recordings and will be using Evergreen’s mixing bench to edit the sound of each recording. From this the student will learn about creativity and poetry through a series of rules and disciplines including rhythmic and tonal disciplines involving his own voice. While working on this project, Andre will continue to participate in core program activites as described by the program syllabus.

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

(embedded youtube or Vimeo video will go here)

Term Paper Abstract

Read full term paper

Ml – Studio Photos

Ml – Week 8 Poetry

What is this world without passion?

What makes a lawyer start a firm

What makes a doctor practice

Theres no cheat codes in this game

But you got control all you need is practice

Virtuous vigilance is very vindicating

Indicating that my stance is where I should be waiting

Now I know that I would never waste a day away

Because my passion drips from my tongues tip to take the pain away

Some may find it a trending topic or maybe even fashion

It’s a part of me not apart from me

and hopefully It’ll never be I imagine

Ml – Week 8 Reverie

Reverie Prompt:  p 189   “If there are ‘gorges’ (French = ‘throats’) in the mountains, isn’t it because the wind, long ago, spoke there?” In Bachelard’s understanding of poetry, a “light delirium makes the dreamer of cosmic reverie pass from a human vocabulary to a vocabulary of things.” He admires poetry in which “human and cosmic tonalities reinforce each other.”

Here is an example: “Listening to the trees of the night prepare their tempests, the poet will say: ‘The forest shivers under the caresses of the cristal-fingered delirium..’ That which is electric in the shiver—whether it runs along man’s nerves or along the fibers of the forest—has met a sensitive detector in the poet’s image.  Don’t such images bring us the revelation of a sort of intimate cosmicity?  They unite the outside cosmos with an inside cosmos.  Poetic exaltation—the crystal-handed delirium—makes an intimate forest shiver within us.”

Use this prompt to evoke through a poetic image a light delirium in which your nerves run along the “fibers” of your field study.

Sound carries the voice

Through a cavern of the soul

Plucking strings and chords

Creating elaborate vibrations

From the diaphragm to lips

Into air, respiration, spirit

Recycled to more sound

Air in

Sound out

Breathe in spirit, breathe out sound

As thoughts run across a plane of consciousness

Like grass stretched across a field

Nature’s instrument

Organic animate mechanics

Bring sound into the planet

Then breathe it back in


Ml – Week 7 Reverie

Reverie Prompt:  pp 139, 141  Create your own reverie in response to Bachelard’s reverie:  “When I read this line by Edmond Vandercammen: ‘My childhood goes back to that wheaten bread,’ an odor of warm bread invaded a house of my youth.”  Create a reverie to demonstrate how in your own life “a whole vanished universe is preserved by an odor.”

Our Car Smell

The car had a smell

It wasn’t a bad smell

I can’t pinpoint what the smell was

Where it came from

If it had been there the whole time

It could have been the carpet

or the interior

But when I remember that smell

Maybe it was the fading new car smell

When I remember that smell

I hear the music we listened to

I remember that smell

I see everything we drove past

Remember that smell

Everything they told me

That smell

Roll the windows down, hang my arm out as I


Ml – Week 8 log

February 25th

1 hour – Writing lyrics
2.5 hours – Reading “Reading in the Brain”
1 hour – Studying lyrics “Nas Week”

1 hour – Writing and posting weekly seminar passage

February 26th

2 hours – Reading “Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop”

3 hours – Recording session

February 26th

1 hour – Writing Holdrege paper

30 minutes – Contributing to virtual seminar and commenting on sem passes

February 27th

1 hours – Reading “Music, The Brain, and Ecstasy”

1.5 hours – Writing lyrics

February 28th

2 hours – Writing Holdrege paper, started over

March 1st

3 hours – Recording session, poetry observed

March 2nd

1 hour – Writing lyrics, preparing for presentation

2 hours – Writing Holdrege paper


This week: 22.5

Cumulative total: 114

Reading List:

Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop

Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy