Reverie Prompt:
In your experience does a romance language such as French do a “great service” by being a “passionate language” that has not wanted to preserve a neuter gender, but rather multiplies occasions for choosing/coupling?
What is a great service of language?
Words ornamented to hang on the body
as they spill from a tongue?
There is no language to describe a body
in now now now.
We speak only the echos of words
lost in translation from the intake
of breath, construction of thought,
then exhale.
What is language without the body?
Where do the words fall if not on the flesh?
The sensation of the senses
come alive from what surrounds us.
I feel the language as it penetrates
even if I don’t understand.
A body understands the vibrations of earth
more than that of machines
though I once mistook the crash of construction
for an earthquake.