Bachelard Reverie #3

“Attached to an odor memory, a childhood smells good.” (140)


a reverie; a state of being much like daydream or musing.

  i was thinking of you.

i walked past that empty lot the other day,

there isn’t a house there anymore.

all evidence of you is negative space now. removed from the existence of time and all feasible reality recognized by my being. This separation creates negative space, once full it is now starving. 

The other day i rode the bus down by the place where we first met.

these walls hold secrets unseen by living beings.

In my house, shoved into the far corner of a drawer

is an article of your clothing, left behind.

Every time i open that drawer i can still smell

your cologne.

Clinging, lingering, screaming at my memories,

tugging at them to conj our the image of your face.

The depiction of you.

          This was one of your favorite shirts.


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