P(r) – Bachelardian Reverie #2

The man who loves a woman “projects” upon that woman all the values which he venerates in his own anima.  And in the same way, the woman “projects” upon the man she loves all the values which her own animus would like to conquer.”  (Bachelard, 73)

this vision of two conquers and divides and creates us.  we are nothing without the other. two sides to every story, two sides to every coin, two dimensions in space. many faced gods wringing their many hands as they make and unmake themselves. apotheosis. we are the gods that make and unmake themselves. our creations mirror the creator more than our autobiographies ever could. our desires are plain in our actions but muddled by our words. the only fools we are fooling are ourselves but we turn a blind eye and continue because knowing yourself too well might be just as bad as not knowing yourself well enough.  why do i keep thinking of anais nin?

One thought on “P(r) – Bachelardian Reverie #2

  1. evahou03 Post author

    Anais Nin frequently wrote about the duality of human nature and on the idealization of the masculine and feminine. Otton Rank, who is quoted in the footnote on page 80, was both her psychiatrist and her lover.


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