Category Archives: field study

“During winter quarter we’ll experience and articulate specific forms of consciousness and language in relation to a particular passion. One of us might want to explore Gerard Manley Hopkins’ love of bluebells and windhovers in relationship to his poetry, or create a poetic world around a passion for sport or to experience how fantasy sports are a poetic world. One of us might immerse herself in the biodynamic rhythms of chocolate sustainably farmed, or listen for the resonance between silence and sound in YoYo Ma’s performance of Bach’s Cello Suite #1 in G. The methodology of our field study will aspire to that of 18 th C poet and civil engineer, Novalis for whom “knowledge and creation were united in a wondrous mutual tie.” Writing in response to our field studies will take the form of reciprocal creations such as in Melissa Kwasny’s Reading Novalis in Montana” and the poems of Wallace Stevens and Pattiann Rogers discussed in class.

C is for Ocean

For the project titled C is for Ocean, the student will, to the best of their ability, cultivate a meaningful relationship with a local First Nation (otherwise known as a “tribe”) and attempt to access an elevated level of consciousness as experienced by indigenous wisemen, or what many in Western society have come to refer to as “shamans.” The student will immerse himself in this “otherworld” to both understand and explain the essence of this state of consciousness. As many would describe this place as the world from which metaphor derives, it follows that only a metaphor can aptly describe the nature of this experience. In essence, the student will dive in to the sea of consciousness and, in the words of Robert Bringhurst, “come back speaking poetry.”

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

(embedded youtube or Vimeo video will go here)

Term Paper Abstract

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Pil is for Pilgrimage


Field Study Proposal

I will be conducting a month long field study on the emotional effects to myself during a pilgrimage of relationships. I will be visiting people of my past whom which I have not been in contact with for years. I will be capping my trip off with a week and a half of time with my father whom which I have not been able to communicate with since my time in Iraq. I will be reading texts such as The American Gospel by Erik Reece,  A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson, and The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien. During my pilgrimage I will be traveling through the western states of Washington, Oregon, California, and Arizona. I will be driving the 1600 miles in two sections. The first leg of my journey will take me into Placerville, CA and the second will take me to Peoria, AZ. I will be listening to audio books during my drives and I will be taking notes through the use of the Dragon Dictation app for the iPhone. I have enough funds and support to get me through my travels. I will have access to the internet on a daily basis the only exception being while I am driving I will be unable to be online.

Read the full ILC here (pdf)

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

[catlist tags=pil-logs date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

Fall Term Paper Abstract

Read full Fall Term Paper

Winter Term Paper Abstract

To gain access to the methodology behind my field study of pilgrimage, the ultimate goal to reunite with my Father, you have to go to the beginning. First I came to the conclusion that I would take a pilgrimage to see my Father. I took the plunge and decided to filter through some old feelings I had been working through. I was scared and nervous for what this trip would contain but also excited for the result. I was on the cusp of something huge.

Read full Winter Term Paper


M is for Movement

Field Study Proposal 

In these next four weeks I will be immersing myself within various forms of movement to evoke poetry. I will continue to go to the Dance Co-Op on campus as well as in downtown Olympia as well as a structured modern dance class once a week. On any off day I plan on making my way to the rock wall or swimming pool to position my body in a form of weightlessness. I plan on having a ten to hour and a half long morning yoga session in my home space all the while taking acro-yoga classes at Breathe yoga studio to become more familiar with my own body, its movements, and those movements relating to another human being. At the end of this field study I hope to become completely familiar with my own body and have a multi-media compilation of the art that was evoked by my own movement.

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

[catlist tags=m-logs date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Bachelardian Reverie

[catlist tags=m-bachelard date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]


[catlist tags=m-poetry excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Poetry Observed

Winter Term Paper Abstract

During this four week field study I became engaged in numerous activities dedicated to movement.  From acrobatic yoga, to rock climbing, to ecstatic dance, I implied my found knowledge about the bodies range of motion and structure to fully understand how we move.

Read full Winter term paper