Category Archives: logs

i- week 6 synopsis

log synopsis based on journal entries made during this week

I’ve been spending most of my personal study time this week to the development of a French/English poem I’ve been trying to write, though I admit the whole point of it is just to show off how much French I know, which I’m discovering isn’t very much. I sat down in my room for almost 5 hours on Wednesday evening before dinner trying to get something good out. I’m still iffy on it so far, but I spent a couple hours clearing my head as much as I could, since I’ve been disappointing myself with everything that comes out. The title is either going to be “Je Suis Hier (I Am Yesterday),” or “C’etait (This was).” It’s about not being able to write and not doing anything with the talent I have, the subtle irony being that it is a very structured poem written in the styles of T.S. Eliot, Charles Baudelaire, and a slight taste of Dante, and written in two languages. In other words, it’s supposed to be a really, really elaborate, well-written poem about not being able to write good poetry.

in addition to those 5 non-consecutive hours on Wednesday, I read most of the rest of “Exercises in Style” in hopes that I would find a clue to how certain poetic/storytelling forms tell their stories differently. Nothing concrete yet, though I made a few observation notes. I’ll post some of my Calculated Poetics reflections on here if i find anything concrete. this reading and occasional note-taking was spread over three days, I believe Monday-Wednesday, and took a total of about 6 hours.

Spring Week 7 Log

Spring Week 7 Log


Sunday 5/12:


-1/2 hour reading Neuro (ch.6)

-1 hour writing Neuro reverie

-1/2 hour editing eAlphabet site

-1/2 hour working on term paper

-2.5 hours recording music


Day total: 5 hours


Monday 5/13:


-2 hours at the student seminar

4 hours of editing music

-3 hours of recording music

-1/2 hour reading TGAO

-1/2 hour revising Neuro reverie


Day total: 10 hours


Tuesday 5/14:


-1/2 hour reading TGAO

-2.5 hours in class

-1.5 hours editing recordings

-2 hours recording music


Day total: 6.5 hours


Wednesday 5/15:


-1.5 hours in class (Calculated Poetics)

-1/2 hour reading Neuro

-1/2 hour reading TGAO

-1.5 hours recording music

-1/2 hour recording (gathering) sounds from the Evergreen campus and woods

-2 hours editing recordings

-1/2 hour revising poem


Day total: 7 hours


Thursday 5/16:


-2 hours in class (calculated poetics)

-2 hours recording music

-2 hours editing music

-1/2 hour reading Neuro


Day total: 6.5


Friday 5/17:


-2 hours editing music

-1 hour recording music

-1 hour recording (gathering) sounds from the Evergreen campus and woods

-1 hour reading TGAO


Day total: 5 hours


Saturday 5/18:


-1/2 hour editing the eAlphabet page

-1/2 hour reading Neuro

-1 hour editing recordings

-1 hour writing artist lecture paper


Day total: 3 hours


Week 7 hours: 43 hours


Total hours: 84.5 hours

Week 7 Log

May 11th

20 minutes: Morning Transcendental Meditation session
2 hours: Reading Neuro
1 hours: Drafting Neuro Reverie
2 hours: Readings Rosenthal’s Transcendance
20 minutes: Evening Meditation session
40 minutes: Researching Glassblowing techniques
2 hours: Reading Mahesh Yogi
(8 hours, 20 min)

May 12th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation Session
3 hours: Reading Neuro
1 hours: Reading Rosenthal’s Transcendance
2 1/2 hours: Reading CP Weekly Readings/Drafting poem
2 hours: Reading Psychoanalysis of Fire
1 1/2: Writing Poetry
1 hour: Watching Raven Skyriver’s Glassblowing videos
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(10 hours, 40 min)

May 13th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
11/2 hours: Drafting Calculated Poetic poem
2 hours: Reading Yogi’s Science of Being
2 hours: Drafting Poetry
3 hours: Meeting with Casey Naylor, Friend of friend who is a freelance glassblower
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(7 hours, 40 minutes)

May 14th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
2 hours 20 minutes: Reading Transcendental & Science of Being
4 hours: Talking with Glassblowers at Pratt Art Seattle
2 hours: Dhammakaya Meditation class at Seattle Meditation Center
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
30 minutes: Posting Neuro Reverie
(9 hours, 20 minutes)

May 15th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
1 hours: Reading Bachelard’s Psychoanalysis of Fire
2 hour: Reading/Drafting/Posting Queneau’s Exercises
2 hours: Drafting Poetry
1 hour: Final Revisions of CP weekly Poem
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(6 hours, 40 minutes)

May 16th my dad had a heart issue that is thankfully only a temporary virus, I went from the Emergency room to the Meditation center and then immediately to bed.

May 17th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
1 hour: Reading Rosenthal’s Trancendence
1 hour: Watching Glassblowing videos
20 minutes: Evening Meditation session
(2 hours, 40 minutes)


This week: 45

Cumulative Total: 78

Reading List:
Transcendence Dr. Rosenthal
Science of Being, Art of Living Mahesh Yogi
The Psychoanalysis of Fire Gaston Bachelard

E – Week 7 Log

Monday –

3 hours reading.

Wanted to finish brushing up on Tawada before the seminar. Wanted to explore some more of the text. I’m starting to see Perloff’s delightfully dry sense of humor.

Total: 3 hours

Tuesday –

3. 5 hours of class

Class was amazing. I got great feedback for one of my poems. I’m glad that I can continue to write and develop as a poet and as a novelist. I love writing.

4 hours of writing

Finally finished the handwritten draft of Mauri’s story. It needs a whole lot of spit and polish, but it’s getting there. The draft is still going to be really rough, but it should end up working out alright.  Letting it sit for a while before I start trying to digitize it.

1 hour of cover letter editing

I really should not leave this to the last second every time. Hard not to with all of the other class work and then it’s always fresh in my mind for Sandy. ‘

Total: 8.5 hours

Cumulative total: 10.5 hours

Wednesday –

1 hour meeting with Sandy

She did not actually get a chance to read my script. We edited my cover letter some more, talked about what my story might need in terms of editing. She really enjoys the flow of my story, asked me some questions about what was going on with it.

3 hours editing my manuscript

There was someone online who was volunteering to edit stuff, so I emailed off a copy of my story. I want to polish it more before I send it off. She added almost three thousand words of edits, so I spend a few hours pouring over the script and polishing it up. I’ll also have to do the utterly tedious business of putting it in the format that BSB wants it. And now the big question. To paragraph or not to paragraph.

Total: 4 hours

Cumulative total: 14.5 hours


1 hour trans* talk

Went to the presentation what’s trans* about queerness now. It was alright, mostly geared toward informing people about why transgender studies is a necessary field. I didn’t really need convincing. I knew about some of the historical erasure but not all of it.

2 hours editing manuscript

So many edits. I have some quibbles with what the person editing wanted, but we’ll see how it goes. I never realized how consciously I make a lot of my writing choices. Or rather, I make them unconsciously, but I make them deliberately. I have a lot of reasons for writing the way that I do. That’s a nice surprise. Makes me feel less like a hack.

5 hours reading

Neuro is DENSE this week. Also reading some commentary on Tamora Pierce and her strong female characters. Trying to read some reviews of fantasy. Also found a great book that deals with abortion and the regulation of female bodies. I wanted to read stories about women who had gotten pregnant from rape in order to make sure that I was doing the story a service. This is a sensitive issue and I want to do it right.

Total: 8 hours

Cumulative total: 29.5 hours


4 hours reading

Perloff this time. I love the themes, the idea of taking the mundane and making it poetic. Makes me wonder if cities have their own rhythm and if the rhythm affects speech cadence.

2 hours manuscript editing

There are so many edits. I love writing, I really do, but the rewriting gets to me after a while.

Total: 6 hours

Cumulative total: 35.5 hours


4 hours writing

Mostly poetry for the ealphabet.

2 hours editing

These edits will never, ever stop. There is just no end. Oh well. Price to pay if it makes my writing better.

2 hours reading

Finishing off the reading for the week. Want to have a day off on Sunday, only want to do the cover letter on Monday.

Total: 8 hours

Cumulative total: 43.5 hours

Quarter total: 327.5 hours

Week 7

May 13th

  • .5 hour peer review
  • 5 hours reading
  • .5 hour Photoshop

May 14th

  • 5 hrs reading
  • 1 hrs re-writing nuro reverie

May 15th

  • 1.5 hrs calc. poetic’s
  • 4hrs reading

May 16th

  • 1.5hrs in class “my poets”
  • 2hrs micro lecture
  • 3hrs reading
  • .5 writing

May 17th

  • 6hrs reading

May 18th

  • 4 hrs reading
  • 2 hrs photoshop
  • 2 hr writing

Total for this week: 39.5

Books this week:

  • My poets
  • The Complete works of Byron
  • Byron and the ruins of Paradise
  • Byron the Flawed Angel
  • Nuro
  • The last myth

Week 6

May 6th

  • 2 hour peer review/yoga
  • 5 hours reading
  • 1 hour Photoshop

May 7th

  • 5 hrs reading
  • 2 hrs Photoshop
  • 1hr research into Byron online

May 8th

  • 1.5 hrs calc. poetic’s
  • 1.5 hrs artist lecture
  • 2hrs reading

May 9th

  • 1.5hrs in class “my poets”
  • 2hrs micro lecture
  • 2hrs reading
  • .5 writing

May 10th

  • 5hrs reading
  • 1hr photoshop

May 11th

  • 4 hrs reading
  • 1 hr writing
  • 1hr photoshop

Total for this week: 39hrs

Books this week:

  • My poets
  • The Complete works of Byron
  • Byron and the ruins of Paradise
  • Nuro
  • The last myth

T week 7 logs

May 13th 3 hours drafting poems, 2 hours core peer session

May 14th 5 hours core, 3 hours term paper revisions

May 15th 4 hours term paper revisions, 2 hours reading The Arts and Human Development

May 16th 6 hours crafting, 2 hours trying to fold Geoduck

May 17th 2 hours reviewing Geoduck origami instructions

lp-week 6 log

May 5th

1 hour: researching different methods of meditation

             during this hour i have begun research on finding the best form of meditation for me. i have decided throughout this week i will devote myself to the meditation aspect of this project.

2 1/2 hours: exploring mindfulness meditation

             researching the form of “mindfulness meditation.” it is described as the child to Zen meditation. Mindfulness meditation is described to be used as a tool to “give us exactly this opportunity to become more present with ourselves just as we are”

2 hours: trying to actually “mindfully meditate” (based off of previous research and guidance videos watched)

daily total: 5 and 1/2 hours

May 6th

2 hours: researching chan meditation

Chan mediation is described as being the filter in which to gain a clear “attainment of an absorbed, concentrated state of mind”

“The principle of Chan is taking body and mind from a state of confusion and disparity through a condition of one-mind to the experience of no-mind (or no-thought). This is the result of letting go of one’s clinging attachment to the sense of “I,” and to the illusion of the permanence of the self and phenomena…”

3 hours: attempting to preform chan meditation through previous knowledge.

daily total: 5 hours

May 7th

2 hours: researching Zen meditation

(one source)

(also in interest)

3 hours: practicing Zen meditation

1 hour: reading Cuda

daily total: 6 hours

May 8th

2 hours: researching transcendental meditation <– amazing resource

3 hours: practicing transcendental meditation

1 hour reading: Cuda

1 hour: writing poetry

daily total: 7 hours

May 9th

2 hours researching: Taoist meditation

3 hours: practicing taoist meditation

2 hours: reading Cuda

daily total: 7

May 10th

2 hours researching buddhist meditataion

3 hours practicing buddhist meditation

daily total: 5 hours

May 11th

4 hours reading Cuda

2 hours writing poetry

1 hour listening to 40 oz to freedom album

daily total: 7 hours


This week: 40 1/2

Cumulative Total: 40 1/2

Reading List:

Sublime’s Brad Nowell: Crazy Fool(Portrait of a Punk) by Heidi Siegmund Cuda

Self Comes to Mind Constructing the Conscious Brain


E – Week 2 Log

Class Work 10 Hours

The rest of the class was at the retreat this week. I stayed home because the woods aren’t really cripple friendly. I spent several hours writing poetry in the presence of nature, reacting to the world around me and putting it into poetic form. I revised the poem in a way that I liked, trying to adjust my handwriting into a good font and spacing out the words more. The calculated poetics class continues to be amazing and I wish I was well enough to go to the Wednesday workshop. Also did all of the reading required for the seminar and enjoyed it, still really liking Perloff.

Sunday – 4 hours

Monday – 2 hours

Tuesday – 2 hours

Thursday – 2 hours

Writing 40 Hours

So while the class has been on retreat, I’ve been writing like a person obsessed. I suppose I am. I have overwhelmed the fifty pages that I allotted in my class notebook for this draft and I have barely gotten through Mauri and a little bit of Clara. It’s so odd, that this 3,000 word story isn’t just turning into a novel, it’s starting to turn into an entire series. Or a really long novel. Either of which I’m okay with. but I seem to have a hard time writing things that go into typical word counts. My novella was long for a novella but short for a novel, and these pieces that I’m writing about the people seem like they are going to end up being about 40,000 words a person, or about a young adult novel. So all four of the people will mean a really long novel. Maybe best to put them into pairs. That might work really well. Either way, I’m loving the writing and I’m off in search of a new notebook because this is just absolutely ridiculous and I need more room.

Monday – 6 hours

Tuesday – 10 hours

Wednesday – 8 hours

Thursday – 10 hours

Friday – 6 hours

Publishing 5 Hours

More phone tag. Made some appointments for the end of week three. Ended up browsing some more literary agents. Found a couple who might be interested in my story. Not entirely certain it’s quite the right niche that they are looking for, but it’s a shot. I will start working on cover letters, although I want to meet with Sandy before I decide anything officially.

Monday – 1 hour

Tuesday – 2 hours

Wednesday – 1 hour

Friday – 1 hour

Total: 55 hours

Cumulative total: 111

E – Week 1 Log

Class work 20 Hours

It is the first week of class. Lots of reading, lots of different sessions to attend. All kinds of new information. This is a great idea and I am really enjoying the reading, although Rose is incredibly dense. The calculated poetics workshop on Thursdays is amazing, all kinds of great information and writing and inspiration. Excited to see more happen and for the new minds that are in class. Interesting to see all of the different view points. I also like the feedback I get in peer review. It’s kind of nice to have writing be picked apart and made better, got a little bit spoiled last quarter in that a lot of the writing that I did was mostly just… Awed I suppose.

Sunday – 4 hours

Monday – 4 hours

Tuesday – 6 hours 

Thursday – 6 hours

Writing 30 Hours

So the story that started off as being around 3,000 words is turning into a novel. Auntie/Mauri is such an interesting character and to learn about her backstory is amazing. I am still very much in the first draft suck stage, just trying to get everything off the ground and out so that I can start organizing it. This is by far the biggest thing I’ve ever written and I’ve spent about ten hours on world building alone, just starting to get the gods straight in my head, building this universe. There’s so much that I have that I probably won’t even show, but if I have the details down in my head it will make the world much more coherent. The amazingly rough draft is about 10 pages long already and it’s going to get much bigger. I allotted fifty pages for the first draft, thinking that would be enough but that seems to be more than a bit silly of me, seeing as how I haven’t even really gone past the introduction. I also have about twenty pages of world building, details, and outlines. Digitizing this is going to be a nightmare.

Monday – 6 hours

Tuesday – 6 hours

Wednesday – 12 hours

Thursday – 4 hours

Friday – 4 hours

Publishing 6 Hours

Mostly a lot of phone tag with people I want to meet with. A little bit of looking up literary agents. Spent about three hours reading cover letter examples, figuring out how to sell my work. Spent another two looking for literary agents and another hour tracking down people to talk about different types of publishing. I’m looking forward to having more people read my work and having more feedback. I wish I had more of an outlet because most of the peer feedback that I’ve gotten is just that my novella is amazing. Which is nice to hear for my ego but not much for the quality of the piece.

Tuesday – 2 hours

Friday – 4 hours

Total: 56 hours

Cumulative total: 56 hours