Category Archives: poetry

Here is where you’ll categorize poetry posts during your field study. A minimum goal is one poem per week, 4 total, posted by Monday PM midnight. One of your four poems must be posted in a “Poetry Observed” video format ( The goal is to perform your poetry in situ—within the context of your passionate immersion.

V – Plants of memories

The lilacs drift into my nose and force-feed me memories of

Ballet on warm Venice evenings

-The quarters clinking into the jar- The repitition of bones

and memory

Jasmine shifting the mind towards my open heart of a child

Which one was it, lilac or jasmine?

They bring it all up, the breezes full of goddess sandals

and movements in the sand that resemble snakes on top of the river bed,

slinking into the memories of forgotton tails.

The swing swept me high into your maple arms, laughing mountainously

back and forth went your memory

Your hands held me only for a moment and then spun me back into a

flying frenzy, opposite your warm gentle embrace

The Sunday lovin’ sings out into the Hawaiian nights, spilling onto the front porch

and the darkness lightens the stars from across galaxies

as I gaze into your ghostly eyes.

And then the lilacs came back as the weeping willow swept a pantomimic hello

The Stone (Another Memory Poem)

I’ve seen the truth slip out your mouth and vanish.
thus giving your speech no ring, nothing to hold to.
There is no peace within this glade, as you stand befor me,
sun ore your head, your sham has met it’s end
with my defiance. I will not waver like the trees to the wind,
I am stone, solid and forboding,
ominouse yet beautiful in its own right.
and you my dear wind, have no power over me.
Yet you are blind and see nothing,
you do not see the softer side of the stone,
the part that weeps, for you once ment so much,
now you mean so little.

Memories of Heartache

Maybe I’m not dead yet
but you’ve already buried me.
you laid me to rest
with her hand in yours,
thorns of the rose
drawing blood.

“I’ll always love you” that’s
what you said before I
Turned my head, and you
slipped far out of reach,
far beneath this sea
of red lies.

monotone eyes look on
as a heart lies broken

Unity in Time

“Asylum barn” by Crystal Muns

I hold within me all
the secrets of my time
not your time,
just my clock
not yours,

It shifts me through
the many gears
that grind on my heart
that tug at my sleeve
and lead me to,
I haven’t the slightest!

The road goes ever on
and on, down from the door
where it all began
twenty three years ago
in a dry city,
and eastern city,
a Rich-land.

Twenty three years
between me and her
but twenty three years
we share all the same
My mind is the child’s
and the child’s is mine

Unity in the chaos
of an ever flowing

Pi Calculated Poetics week 4 – Distance

The Distance

the distance between the snap of a twig and a spear throw

the distance between learning language and creating meaning

the distance between a child’s fingers in the palm of the hand that’s holding them

the distance between the stories on the wrinkles of an old lady’s face

the distance between sight and sound

the distance between forethought and hindsight

the distance between holding hands and making love

the distance between umbilical chord and bellybutton

the distance between breaths on a cold night

the distance between the stars and the moon

the distance between i love you’s and coulda-woulda-shouldas

the distance between me and you


Pi Calculated Poetics week 3 – Rippling Toward Infinity

Rippling Toward Infinity
















with zeros rippling towards infinity

a splash in a pond

 you can count

you can count more

you can count the ripples in the pond

a one with hollow zeros trailing behind

E – Week 5 Poetry

Fantasy lives inside my blood.

It has defined my childhood since I could read.

I got Harry Potter for my fifth birthday, wrapped

With shiny unicorns. (I still have that

paper somewhere). When I was nine I read

Tamora Pierce for the first time.

And this was fire in my veins because

I wanted to be Kel, Protector of the Small.

Here was a woman in writing that I

Not only could, but wanted

To look up to. 

Stories like these I’ve wanted to write

My whole life. So why now but

Not back then? It is still


Still easy to tell that I love Tamora Pierce,

My own style immature. But maybe

Telling my own story means that now

I can tell other stories. Or at least…

That’s what the novel taking over my life says.


Siproena Johnson

As Poetry Recycles Neurons


Seminar week 5

Word Count 200


“He appeared to be proceeding in the direction of the water, but at each line of transition between pavement slabs, he halted in a frenzy of anxiety.” (Howe, 115)


“A ghostly skeptic.”  (Howe, 115)


“Collectively, these studies highlight the weaknesses of attempts to generate a ‘unified theory’ of depression.”(Rose,134)


Left or Right

The mistaken, the misunderstood

Study, research, inquiry

Deeper thought, searching too hard

How do we use theory accurately to prescribe what we need?

What is the remedy if not a thing?

Penetrate the mind and journey to the heart

Connect these organs beyond the physical blood streams only to return to the beginning…

Or what is thought to be

What is thought to be if not a thing?


A machine like the body is never perfect

Every system has its flaws


Paint a picture to document the journey

Large scale, microscopic, literally invisible by any measuring tool

Not that the presence is a problem

It is simply in need of a name

Inconceivable by onlookers to grant legitimacy

Disregard for feeling by the people as a whole or the person in their self?

How much farther?  What distance will be scoped for the answers desired?

Artists continue moving with uncertainty but somehow create the remarkable without any thought

Meditative movements now break through barriers

Now null and void be these barbed wires

Mere paper tape these artists’ blocks seem

Threshold now met

Defiance in lieu of the terms

This diagnosis cannot and will not conquer me


Winters Heart (A Reflection)


“She Walks in Beauty” by Crystal Muns 2013

The days fly by my window like the birds who
having nowhere else to roam, and having made this
dreary town their own, nestle in the hidden kiss
of serpentine dew,
Eden is old fashioned too!
And so all faith shall go amiss
as night to gaudy day resists
all that is, and all that’s overdue.

Bring hand in hand the end of days
may the bell of sorrow ring no more
but may the light of all these winters
never lose their chord, least there blaze,
a passionate fire, uncontrolled devolve to lore,
so that my heart shall weep forever-more.