Category Archives: poetry

Here is where you’ll categorize poetry posts during your field study. A minimum goal is one poem per week, 4 total, posted by Monday PM midnight. One of your four poems must be posted in a “Poetry Observed” video format ( The goal is to perform your poetry in situ—within the context of your passionate immersion.

Week 8 Calculated Poem

Love acts beyond the phase wills it into – Hate is obscure, errs, is pain, furor, torn – a Lust to adorn aversion, hope, love eying its object joined to its cause, sees path into Things the future or now.”
(Zukofsky, “A”,116)

How unfair this affair is playing out.
How hopeful I am each time we talk sweetly,
share secret smiles and long locked stares.
How cold it feels each time your hand find another’s instead.
This started so long ago yet burns the same each time.
Still, for your attention and touch I will always fiend
How unfair that these seeds are planted so deep within my psyche,
I’ve been yours since age fourteen.

lp- Sublime Haiku’s


of such excellence,

grandeur, or beauty, as to

inspire the great




sound so beautiful

my ears tickle with delight

feeling so sublime




marijuana high

feels like floating through the sky

how slow time goes by




A chance to feel good

a 40 oz to freedom

shame in a bottle

F ~ How I Became a Moan

How I became a moan

a hinged open jaw that is neither a sigh nor a scream

yet yields veins to loop

bodies to conform

to choke

to rise

lengthening the nape of my neck, lifting chin

to let the pedestal of ideal images falter

thrashing them in the acids of my plump stomack

I am embers, fed by the ashes of the weak minds:

should and ideal 

*** This is a work in progress

Glassblowing Poetry part 2

First it is a line
Add fire
it droops
and drips
so flip
and round
and flip
and round
little teardrop
Add another line
Fire one end to
Glowing heat
Keeping the ball heated
but not red-hot
Precise penetration
to sprout a mushroom
in full bloom

Molten gum
Sticky element
Compressed sand shard art
Taffy being pulled
By the heat of suns

I drowned my fear for death in sand
Blazed it with heat
and pressed
Till epiphanies drifted out of the heat
I’ve never been so much at peace
around so much goddamn fire

Poetry from Wisdom

This harsh exhale soothes me as gently as a summer breeze
As does this loving inhale chill me to the bone

These two are imperative to one another’s well being

I admit my foolishness now
I have not been listening

I’ve been smiling up at the sun while trying not to step on the thorns beneath my feet

These thorns that dot the ground grow by that same suns light
And the food that I nourish this vesicle with grows from the bows of these thorns

Lately, I’ve been running
Running to the sun
and my feet had grown bloody
So I tried to run faster
and faster
and faster
Till I was running on stumps ground down to the bone

Now I see with new eyes there is no thorns without sun
And no life without thorns

I can no more step over the pricks and prickles
Than I can stomp out the sun

This I have learned from persisting in foolishness
Which, I guess, was a blessing all

S – Week 7: Fabling the Quanta

Fabling the Quanta

“They talk of attraction and magnetism; these notions suggest a force acting between two given bodies; what is left out of account is how utterly the bodies appear to change in themselves; they are no longer the given bodies. The fact of being given has changed them.” John Berger, G

When I wake up tomorrow morning, I hope to find a national dispatch upon my landing. In panic-caps the thin paper will read, “BREAKING NEWS: TECHNOLOGY HAS FAILED, NOTHING WORKS ANYMORE.” It turns out that late last night, a tinkering physicist had distilled the unified theory of everything from the wings of a beetle. She had plucked these exoskeletal apostrophes of armored flight off the insect, letting them roll and settle in her palm. She read the otherwise concealed equation that was indelibly scratched into its nacreous enamel. She cross-checked it with her collection of identical equations: it was the same string of numbers to be found on the inside of bamboo shoots, read from the backs of sky-bound larks, and cast by the shadows of volcanic ash. She had read the surface, junction, and bend of every particle and wave, and this last beetle completed her inventory of everything.

She had abolished uncertainty. She was spiritualities inverse, lying in complement to any God that’s ever been forgotten.

Unfortunately, there was something remarkably self-defeating about this unified theory of everything. It was undermining: as soon as she completed her database, her computer’s fan hummed to a halt. The lights flickered out. Michelle Norris’ voice suddenly went mute from within her battery-powered radio, and silence was replaced by the sound of an airplane falling into a valley’s basin. It would have been easy to consider coincidence, blame it on some magnetically charged cloud coverage or terrorist attack that happened to coincide with her discovery. But… a few things take etiological priority, and unified theories are at the top. And of course, this was a theory of everything so, after substituting a few variables, two things were clear:

1)   Ecological disasters, national disasters, and epistemological disasters were suddenly inseparable. They had merged together into one holistic metaphysical concept: disaster.

2)   Oops. Could she get away with blaming the beetle?

She had rode its iridescent backside to an illogical but wholly recognizable outcome: after a universal decoding, a leveling took place. Suddenly, myths of depth collapsed upon themselves and the entirety of Western civilization sunk a few inches. This was enough to dangle power lines, shift the world’s orbit, and confuse weather-sensitive dogs. There was no harnessed electricity. There were no operable factories. There were no paper trails.

Everything was wiped clean. Tabula rasa.

Everything was back at zero. Reboot.

Her equation had rendered itself useless, instantly artifactual. A cipher for the old world.


This is when I would open my front door and untie twine from tree pulp, unfurling explanations brought to me through antediluvian printing mechanisms.


My neighbor would swing from his doorway, fingers anchoring himself to the inner molding. He’d smile.

He’d assure me that, in a way, this was the best thing that could have ever happened—it was about time we reinvented the wheel. We were given the gift of our own beginning, and we would never forget the beetle.

Calculated Poem April 30th

“the abstract poem

that cleaves through the glassy heights like the hump of a great

beast, the rising reification, integration’s grandest, most

roving whale: in this way Enlil became a god and ruled

the sky: in this way earth became our mother: in this way

angels shaped light”



Ammons, A. R. (1995). Sphere: The form of a motion. (pp. 136-137). New York, New York: W.W. Norton.


Note: The god Enlil is prominent in Sumerian religion and his name translates to “Lord of the Storm”. One story describes his origin as the exhausted breath of the god of the heavens and the goddess of the Earth after sexual union.



Sighing, gasping,

Earth and sky consummate to produce the wind; the storm

that scrapes its limpest tentacle upon the crust of continents.

Flaccid and flailing, it makes its way back to the ocean

where waterspouts send humpbacks sailing through the atmosphere

like strange birds.


Once a roving whale,

now you are the sun-bleached trunk of a redwood

decaying on the sand under the eyes of some distorted form.


Now you are an abstract beast,

bending to the mercy of time and insects.

Insects that swarm and cover the sky

in spite of the lord of the storm

who scratches at his mosquito bites

and sighs a relief so massive

that it sets the milky way spinning

like a pinwheel in space.


Calculated Poem April 11th

What was it? That drowning word

or equation

smothered in its incantation.


In stillest frenzy

voice stumbles numbers tumble

into zero.

Burning in that sun collapsing.

Incredible masses,

folding, folding.


Saturn melts inside its rings

upon a wrinkled blanket.


Devouring its greatest digits,

the Cosmic Centipede wraps itself

around a planet, a world, a perception.


A placeless point on a lineless plain,

folding, folding,

wrapped and wrinkled.


With all this in mind,

we stray through space,

we fold in place.

Spiritus Mundi

Nathan Lefkoff


Calculated Poem: Spiritus Mundi


Inspired by: -W.B. Yeats’ poem, The Second Coming

-research on the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption

-research on the bombing of Hiroshima during WWII

Spritus Mundi- “spirit of the world” (from The Second Coming)



Spiritus Mundi


Grieving in the gain of loss,

St. Helena tore herself open

and regurgitated like a mother bird for nine hours

to betray 11 million animals, 4 billion feet of timber,

and the man with the cats that could have fled but did not.

A force 500 times the bomb over Hiroshima,


the cloud that was purple and flashed internally.

Bodies erupted and spewed their dust and ashes

and something recoiled like the hand from the fire

and somebody stared as blank and as pitiless

as the face of a mountain.


That plane was a falcon,

strapped to its master,

and all it could hear was the falconer

as it shunned the gaping


its pilot blinder than the bomb that fell

to deafen a nation

and hatch desert birds that were trapped in the chests

of tens of thousands


to fly with the wind

and to nest in volcanoes