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I is for Ink

Holdrege Paper

Abstract: Craig Holdredge’s “delicate empiricism” is the practice of learning something while maintaining the spirit of curiosity of the moment of discovery.  This essay is an account of my spontaneous engagement in an ancient and complex discipline some have spent their lives learning.  I approach it not as a discipline but an expressive practice, focused on the experience of doing it, fueled by the curiosity that comes from not knowing how.

Read Full Term Paper Here


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P(r) – Week 8 Log

Monday 2-25-13:  1/4 hr e-cises, 1/4 hr vocal exercise, 1/2 hr belly dance, 3 1/2 hr reading Grandmother’s Secrets, 1/2 hr WordPress, 2 hr seminar.  Total:  7 hours

Tuesday 2-26-13:  1/2 hr Morning Pages, 1/4 vocal exercises, 1/4 e-cises, 2 hr Holdrege paper, 1 hr walking meditation, 1 hr seminar, 2 hr read Bachelard.  Total:  7 hours

Wednesday 2-27-13:  1/2 hr Morning Pages, 1/4 e-cises, 1 1/2 belly dance, 1/4 voice, 1 read Affect Theory Reader, 1 seminar.  Total:  4.5 hours

Thursday 2-28-13:  1/4 e-cises, 1/2 MP, 1/4 meditation, 1 belly dance, 1 walking meditation, 3 writing poetry/Holdrege, 1/4 voice, 2 reading For Space and Noe.  Total:  8.25 hours

Friday 3-1-13:  1/4 e-cises, 1/2 MP, 1.5 bellydance, 1 walking meditation, 5 writing poetry/Holdrege, 1/4 voice.  Total:  8.5

Saturday 3-2-13:  1/4 e-cises, 1/2 MP, 1 bellydance, 1/2 meditation, 7 Holdrege, 1/4 voice.  Total:  9.5

Total:  44.75 hours

Week 8 – Bachelardian Reverie #4

**sorry for the lateness, I lost my book and just acquired a new one

“What an invitation to dream what one sees and to dream what one is…Who is existing?  What a relaxation for our own existence!”  (161)

My existence is exhausting. whirling, turning, maelstrom, never resting, never ceasing, never silent.  Words and dreams and moments spinning in a vortex, nothing sorted, nothing orderly.  I try to control the internal with the external but the one doesn’t translate well into the other.  If I can only know who I am when my mind is quiet, how will I ever know who I am?  If I don’t exist as a static being I can be reborn every moment, a phoenix shaking its feathers afresh every nanosecond.  There is freedom in the ether, but can there be freedom without captivity?  Who is looking out at me from my own eyes?  Can these eyes see the many faces of the many-faceted gods who cannot exist without me to dream them into creation so that they can in turn create me?

M – Week 7 Log

February 18th

1 hour – morning yoga

3 hours – reading

1 hour – preforming exercises in two books

4 hours – entangled movement with another

February 19th

1 hour – morning yoga

4 hours – reading

30 minutes – preforming exercises in two books

2.5 hours – organizing term paper – writing

February 20th

30 minutes – morning yoga

1.5 house – modern dance – stretching

1.5 hours – acro- yoga

2 hours – organizing term paper – writing

February 21st

30 minutes – morning yoga

1.5 hours – acro-yoga

1 hour – reading

2 hours- writing – organization

February 22nd

1 hour – morning yoga

2 hours – reading

2 hours – forest walk – preforming exercises in two books

2 hours – running – rock climbing – stretching

1 hour – organizing term paper

February 23rd

30 minutes – morning yoga

4 hours – reading – organizing paper – note taking

February 24th

1 hour – morning yoga

2 hours – reading

1 hour – preforming exercises in two books

2 hours – writing – poetry

1 hour – organizing term paper



This week: 48 hours

Cumulative total: 168 hours

Reading List:

  • Body and Earth
  • Your Sacred Anatomy
  • Body Stories
  • Trail Guide to the Body: How to Locate Muscles, Bones & More!
  • Poetics of Reverie





P(r) – Poem #3 – Week 7


turning and turning in the widening gyre,

seeking a silence I find lacking,

my center will not hold a black hole and so I must fill it with things

windchimes and nail polish and eyelash curlers and cookies and cupcakes and handbags and handbags and handbags and jewelry and sparkly pink beads and notebooks and notecards and embroidery floss and pens and pencils and lip gloss and buttons in antique canning jars and marbles from my grandfather and hats and train cases and potted plants and scarves and balls of yarn and strings of bells and packets of antique sewing needles and a petticoat (a petticoat!) and old tin lunch boxes and colored glass bottles and Christmas lights and boxes of boxes and musical instruments and Halloween decorations and camping gear and kaleidoscopes and spoons and baby pictures and books and books and books and books

even so,

the relief is fleeting and–no surprise

to those who know–

my habit wants more every time and

all I want is

a moment of peace



P(r) – Bachelardian Reverie #3

“Attached to its odor memories, a childhood smells good.”  (Bachelard, 140)

Pipe tobacco.  Scratchy brown sofas in every room, green wallpaper always made me think of Napolean.  The front room with the best bookshelves but not allowed to touch.  The secret back bedrooms.  Mixing clay, letting it run through my fingers and letting a thin layer coat my hands and harden.  A jar of candy orange slices, slightly stale, the crunch of sugar between my teeth.  Seashell soaps in bowls, too many for one room.  Petticoats in every color on a rack in the spare room, so many things we weren’t allowed to play with.  Erasers in every shape, puzzles, perpetual motion figures.  The stack of every Serendipity book, sitting on the floor with Bratty in my lap reading them to her on Saturday afternoon, one after the other, and that one picture book of Sleeping Beauty–even then I thought there was something a little off about that story.  She was too much a victim, the ultimate fantasy of a woman subdued.  Such a sharp contrast to the Twelve Dancing Princesses, in the beginning anyway.  Fairy tales again…

P(r) – Week 6 Log

Monday, 2-11-13 1/2 hr fighting with WordPress, 1 hr writing, 2 hr Sherman Alexie reading at Elliot Bay Books in Seattle, 3 hr reading Perloff, Dehaene, Cixous.  Total:  6.5 hours

Tuesday, 2-12-13 1 hr belly dance, 1/4 hr e-cises, 3 hr reading Bachelard, Winterson, 1 hr reading, 3/4 meditation.  Total:  6 hours

Wednesday, 2-13-13  1/2 hr morning pages, 1/4 hr e-cises, 1/4 hr meditation, 1 hr belly dance, 2 hr chocolate tasting/lecture, 4 hr reading Bachelard, Winterson, Noe.  Total:  8 hours

Thursday, 2-14-13  1/4 e-cises, 1 1/2 hr belly dance, 2 hr writing, 5 hr reading Feldenkrais, Noe, Winterson, 1/2 hr voice exercises.  Total:  9.25

Friday, 2-15-13  1/2 hr e-cises, 1 hr belly dance, 1 hr walking meditation, 2 hr writing, 2 hr reading Bachelard, Winterson, Affect Theory Reader, 1/2 hr voice exercises.  Total:  7

Saturday 2-16-13  1/4 e-cises, 1/2 belly dance cardio, 3/4 hr belly dance conditioning, 2 hr writing (Holdrege), 2 hr walking meditation/reverie/taking notes, 2 hr reading Affect Theory Reader, Winterson, Noe, 1/2 hr voice exercises.  Total:  9

Total hours:  45.75