L – Week 6 reverie

“The dreamer can easily project his own anima upon the beloved. But in doing that, there is no simple egotism of the imagination. The dreamer wants his projected anima to have a personal animus as well, one which is not the simple reflection of his own animus.”
(Bachelard, Poetic Reverie; 88)

Do I love you?
Or do I love what I perceive you to be.
To take that further; do I know you or I even exist?
Or do I put you here to ease my own insecurities.
I know that I think that I know you
is that enough?
Is love the same conscience experiencing itself?
I think I know that I crave your personal animus,
one that is everything I am not and crave to be.
I revel in our anima, but is that right?
Do I love you for you or for what I cannot be?
Humans love the things they can’t have,
so to literally be as I cannot
keeps me here.

One thought on “L – Week 6 reverie

  1. Molly B.

    this is existential mayhem! There is so much here, it seems like every sentence is something you explore even more and more for eternity. He is your mirror. This relates to this weeks reading about symmetry… might be a really weird and fun experiment to trade body parts or characteristics with the lizard man?…. and also I would look up “reptile animal totem” that might be a cool thing to do… any way your project is still the coolest and trippiest!

    keep going!


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