May 5th
1 hour: researching different methods of meditation
during this hour i have begun research on finding the best form of meditation for me. i have decided throughout this week i will devote myself to the meditation aspect of this project.
2 1/2 hours: exploring mindfulness meditation
researching the form of “mindfulness meditation.” it is described as the child to Zen meditation. Mindfulness meditation is described to be used as a tool to “give us exactly this opportunity to become more present with ourselves just as we are”
2 hours: trying to actually “mindfully meditate” (based off of previous research and guidance videos watched)
daily total: 5 and 1/2 hours
May 6th
2 hours: researching chan meditation
Chan mediation is described as being the filter in which to gain a clear “attainment of an absorbed, concentrated state of mind”
“The principle of Chan is taking body and mind from a state of confusion and disparity through a condition of one-mind to the experience of no-mind (or no-thought). This is the result of letting go of one’s clinging attachment to the sense of “I,” and to the illusion of the permanence of the self and phenomena…”
3 hours: attempting to preform chan meditation through previous knowledge.
daily total: 5 hours
May 7th
2 hours: researching Zen meditation
(one source)
(also in interest)
3 hours: practicing Zen meditation
1 hour: reading Cuda
daily total: 6 hours
May 8th
2 hours: researching transcendental meditation <– amazing resource
3 hours: practicing transcendental meditation
1 hour reading: Cuda
1 hour: writing poetry
daily total: 7 hours
May 9th
2 hours researching: Taoist meditation
3 hours: practicing taoist meditation
2 hours: reading Cuda
daily total: 7
May 10th
2 hours researching buddhist meditataion
3 hours practicing buddhist meditation
daily total: 5 hours
May 11th
4 hours reading Cuda
2 hours writing poetry
1 hour listening to 40 oz to freedom album
daily total: 7 hours
This week: 40 1/2
Cumulative Total: 40 1/2
Reading List:
Sublime’s Brad Nowell: Crazy Fool(Portrait of a Punk) by Heidi Siegmund Cuda
Self Comes to Mind Constructing the Conscious Brain