- 10 hours reading – The Way of Tarot, The Metabarons (A. Jodorowsky); Our Dreaming Mind (R. van de Castle); The Sacred and the Profane, The Forge and the Crucible (M. Eliade); Semiotics (Daniel Chandler); The Poetics of Reverie (G. Bachelard)
- 4 hours conversation on Tarot, the archetypes and the unconscious
- 6 hours Tarot familiarization – mandala construction, meditation, and writing
- 3 hours practice reads with friends
- 4 hours poetry, reverie, and writing inspired by Tarot
- 3 hours note taking and review
- 8 hours writing and editing term paper
- 3 hours editing video for poetry observed
- 2 hours editing wordpress
Total – 40 hours