What will you talk about?
Ink spots on hands on pad
Blots, blotches, caught up now
Will you talk rings watches watch them
Watching you talking about
How you sell your soul out.
Will you look into the past and future
How you sail your soul out
Or be a hostage held to what they said
Sirens, sirens, please stay out my mind while im writing
Hectic thoughts all I see is blazes of fire and lightning
Stretched across a field of lost desire and writhing
Heat in my head my hand even in the pen that i’m scribing
With, anger danger and violence, these words are the livest
Talk about highs lows and whichever girl is the finest
Vanity stricken, if its about bullshit I bet you would listen
Rap ain’t the work you put in, its whatever car that you’re whippin
I want to write these lyrics right bare god as my witness
Picture perfect pictures painted with every depicted sentence
And in the end I end the stress in whatever chair that im sittin
Hear my heart and hear my mind and take a second to listen
Because its not all about vanity or materialism
It could be spirituality, internal decisions
Rap is about all that inside knowledge, experience, wisdom
All it takes is to hear yourself, dreaming, hoping, and wishing.