Tag Archives: T-bachelard

T Neuro Reverie 9

Siproena Johnson

As Poetry Recycles Neurons


Neuro Reverie Week 9

Word Count 175


“Emotions course through the veins, engage the heart and the lungs, the bowels and the genitals, the muscles, the skin and face.  As for cognition, do we not think, literally here, with hands and eyes?” (P. 230 Rose, Abi-Rached)


Energy flows through human body in the most intriguing ways.

Suppression of feeling leads ultimately to massive outbursts,

Adrenalin rushes through this body, redirecting the senses.

Epinephrine also known as adrenaline or adrenalin

Why to such length is this masking of feelings taught from early childhood to old age?

An outlet must be available without fear of reprimand.

Desire to direct the energy finds the tools are often near.

Here, as music plays, this outlet lies in my hands.

Paper; plain or decorated, can be found manipulated to some degree.

Paper; solid colored or with lines, the imagination can be set free.

To, and with these, writing instruments, hands and mind can combine.

Creative usually, and even compulsive, these manners are put to the test.

These tools readily in hand give the mind some ease and focus with an outcome its own conciliation.

Design and form are at the fingertips as the eyes scan diagrams on a page.

Eventually the mind on autopilot can take hold and the outcome can even leave its creator amazed.

Neuro Reverie w8

Siproena Johnson

As Poetry Recycles Neurons


Seminar / Reverie week 8

Word Count 242


“It is not only that their arguments need to be located ‘in context’ as the saying goes (Tully 1988, 1993), but that philosophers draw, sometimes explicitly but usually implicitly, upon the empirical knowledge and cultural beliefs of the times and places they inhabit.” (p. 204 Rose, Abi-Rached)


Origins of a particular idea are a blur yet self-proclaimed definitive truths by title alone are given an upper hand.  I think of the text used almost as frequently as it is revised.  What if westernization did not turn into a plague with its first visit?  This is the word…because it is bound.  One could only imagine the course the new world’s original inhabitants could have made and sustained.  Still the human mind and its plasticity would eventually with time adopt a new mode.   When it is first written, the mind, fingers, eyes, and ink of one person portrays the events as they were for their time.  These developments are by one’s particular experience but lies waiting to be rewritten anew by another who sees their own perspective to applicably fit.

Some knowledge is not all knowledge and is often reduced or embellished with or without the intent of its initiator or reproducer.  Perhaps there is a self-gratifying motive when using implicit language when a story is reformed.  Reformed to dictate and impose this new writer’s ideas.  Who consistently sets aside the time to survey the source when what is printed seems askew?  Whose words and whose identity was originally portrayed?   It might be much simpler to initially follow the present system as it now stands but all encounter change with time.  Adaptations of cultural beliefs past a present are necessary for adaptation of the brain as one takes on more age.

T W6 Neuro reverie

“No doubt for much of our history, these assumptions have been derived from a mixture of folk wisdom, theoretical doctrines, philosophies, and the accumulated experience of those who have exercised authority in different domains.” (Abi-Rached, Rose, 160)


Romanticisms run rampant in Westernized stories from tribes or other nations.

Roots from German literature, a poem in this case manipulated.

Stories from one language to the common often lose their identity.

A rhythm is lost, awkward for the transcriber and reader/listener well versed in the piece.

Claiming with the Westernized translations the ease of communication becomes a fallacy pushed with English to the point of monochrome sublimation.

Even genders from original folklore are not immune to the decidedly ideal.

Is this for originality or to simply paraphrase?

When a translation doesn’t make sense to us the reader/listener how often do we pursue answers for the questions texts raise?

Misunderstandings between dialects or particular accents often create translations that are askew.

As a translator collecting the story live time, questioning what is believed to have been said could be one of the best things you do.

It gives justice to the presenter of an unfamiliar tale.

This action helps to obtain the reassurance the notation you have is at its best and ready to set sail.

When in the doctor’s office receiving a diagnosis should the details be omitted?

Take medication prescribed without questioning the adverse symptoms.

Practice makes permanence.



T W7 Neuro reverie

Taking on Traffic

“This is an element in a wider shift in strategies and policies in many societies toward preemption of unwanted incidents, including criminal offences.” (166, Rose, Abi-Rached)


Impatience grows, tolerance runs thin,

It is 8:30 in the morning and the mutterings begin.

Should I merge with the flow or just cut off the next guy?

This person in the driver’s seat has PTSD and is in the position of control his agitation continues making his passengers more aware of the dangers that could occur.

A groan comes from the back seat and a sigh from the passenger front,

The driver’s speech has more clarity while the demeaning language aimed at other drivers through his mouth continues to flow at us four passengers too.

Two women; I and his wife, two dogs; one is a female and the other is an unneutered male.

The animals grow restless with the female’s high pitched barking comes from atop the wheelchair parked rear.

This barking is nearly aimed in the driver’s ear.

The other dog; male said to supposedly be calming the barking dog down, begins barking, thrashing, and growling while cornering the female in passenger left side rear.

Passenger front interjects, proclaiming the female dog’s fear yet the driver claims the female is at fault for first barking near his ear.

Animalistic argument between husband and wife,

The male and female dogs as animals depict this same strife.

“Don’t question my driving!” “Are you the one at the wheel!?”

This stands as a reminder of who is currently in charge.

Communication proved useless in other situations with them.

Although considered family, other voices in competition with his continuous power hungry state of mind have never been able to break the bind.


T-Reverie 3

“It’s time to get up Prena!” “You need to eat before we take you to school.”  Gas stove hums as I travel down the hall.  The chirping clock repeats grandma’s call.  Oils scent stirs with egg, as they fry in the cast iron skillet.  “I don’t like egg for breakfast, could I eat something else instead of it?” You shouldn’t be so picky, grandma sternly says in reply.  You need your protein so you can focus as the class-day goes by.  Your brother will learn to eat healthy, to grow big and strong.  This comparison, while unintended, made me feel I had done wrong.

You need to eat, don’t skip meals.  Grandma still repeats these words during phone calls to this day.  If I haven’t already done so, I tell her and eat right away.  The dish may be small, but I’ve performed the task she asks.  Usually it is cereal or a bagel sandwich with some fruit juice in a glass.  If it’s not her kitchen, voice, or clock reminding me, it is the prescription bottle label or hospital antibacterial filling the room’s air.  Vividly I’m reminded, of turns taken leading to trouble all because I ignored the scents of care.