V – Neuro Reverie week 8


“…selves are memories, and memories are patterns of synaptic interconnections. How are these patterns of synaptic connections established? […the understanding is that] it is now ‘experience’ that shapes the patterns of connections that are strengthened”.  (217)

The life blood of my living in this world can only be shaped by what I come into contact with. This contact being the cultural world and the sensual encounters I internally face, taking shape in the form of tiny microscopic neurons.  They shape, mold, form and break my understandings of the world in various ways. These tiny synaptic firings either form or erupt my patterns of being in the world.   A sense of connection to the old or to the new comes from the recharging of memories. Tiny fires evolve self.

 The microscopic even goes through metamorphosis.

The microscopic has the power to reverberate and make great change.

The microscopic consists of a great transformation, transforming mind, patterns and memories.

Connection begins at the microscopic level.

Whether we see it or not,

everything must start somewhere.

So why not, dream big

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