Author Archives: drobri13

co-poetry observed

The Sex Pistols – Anarchy for the U.K.
Right now ha, ha!I am an anti-Christ
I am an anarchist,
Don’t know what I want
But I know how to get it.
I wanna destroy the passer by
‘Cause I wanna be anarchy,
Ho dogs bodyAnarchy for the UK
It’s coming sometime and maybe
I give a wrong time stop a traffic line.
Your future dream is a shopping scheme
Cause I wanna be anarchy,
It’s in the city

How many ways to get what you want
I use the best I use the rest
I use the NME.
I use anarchy
‘Cause I wanna be anarchy,

It’s the only way to be

Is this the MPLA
Or is this the UDA
Or is this the IRA
I thought it was the UK
Or just another country
Another council tenancy.

I wanna be an anarchist
(Oh what a name)
And I wanna be an anarchist
(I get pissed destroy)

The Specials – Ghost Town

This town, is coming like a ghost town
All the clubs have been closed down
This place, is coming like a ghost town
Bands won’t play no more
too much fighting on the dance floor

Do you remember the good old days before the ghost town?
We danced and sang, and the music played in a de boomtown

This town, is coming like a ghost town
Why must the youth fight against themselves?
Government leaving the youth on the shelf
This place, is coming like a ghost town
No job to be found in this country
Can’t go on no more
The people getting angry

This town, is coming like a ghost town
This town, is coming like a ghost town
This town, is coming like a ghost town
This town, is coming like a ghost town


Interview, Sex Pistols

The reason why this is so significant is because, at this time in the U.K. the media was regulated to the point where cursing wasn’t allowed at all on the television. This is one of the reasons why the Sex Pistols were banned and had a warning label slapped on them.


Interview, Quinten Butler


Poetry Observed, This Anarchy..

Co Bachelard Reverie #1

 “a word can be a dawn and a sure shelter.” (47)

Je Suis La Lune

Je suis la lune et j’taime.

throughout the night, the night i first caught the light in your eyes

across the opposite hemisphere of the earth

you rose and your rays splashed upon my rocky face

making it shine a silver shimmering surface,

gleaming to your touch.

but the more you rose and made the sky blue

the more i realized the surprise that came with everything that is you.

but not the good kind of surprise, like solstice, starting anew

a surprise like a meteor flung out of orbit into the side of your face

like the destruction of the whole human race.

i like the sombre

you like the lumière

when you’ve risen and are in full sight

you encompass everything in front of you,

beating your rays down upon all, looming above

craving, demanding

they feel your  heat.

you bleed jealousy of anything in the shadows

i don’t understand, and i probably never will.

all i know is i loved you once, but the once thriving life that was our love

is now overwhelmingly ill. i can’t stand it and won’t take it any longer,

dear soliel, je suis la lune et je t’aime plus

Unoriginal Genius: Anarchy For The U.K.


Anarchy for the U.K.

Is this the MPLA?

or is this the UDA?

or is this the IRA?

I thought it was the U.K.

How many ways to get what you want

In the city

your future dream is a shopping scheme

I wanna be an anarchist

because i wanna be anarchy

It’s coming sometime

but i know how to get it

i use the best

i use the rest

It’s the only way to be

I wanna be anarchy

Its the only way to be

Is this the U.K.?

or just another country?

Another council tenancy?

I am an anti-christ

I am an anarchist


co-week 5 log

February 3rd

2.5 hours – researching bands and documentaries

February 4th

4 hours – reading (Biel)
2 hour – going through highlighted areas and taking notes (Biel)

February 5th

5 hours – listening to music ( Bikini Kill, Dead Kennedys, Sex Pistols, Choking Victim, Leftover Crack)

February 6th

3.5 hours – writing down lyrics

3 hours – analyzing lyrics of Pulling on the Boots by Romper Stomper

.5 hours – learning the song Anarchy in the U.K. by Sex pistols (repeated writing of lyrics and verbal recitation of lyrics)

3 hours- writing poetry based on the music of the Sex Pistols

 February 7th

3 hours- shopping for canvas for artwork component of project ( didn’t find anything I liked, nothing big enough)


4 hours – reading (Hebdige)

.5 hours – notes (Hebdige)

February 8th

2 hours – trying to find any shows through Olympia to Seattle to attend (no luck yet)

4 hours – reading (Biel)

1.5 hours – listening to Black Flag

February 9th

2 hours – taking notes (Biel)

2 hours – revising poetry


This week: 42.5 hours

Cumulative total: 42.5 hours

Reading List:

  • Beyond the Music: How punks are saving the world with DIY Ethics, Skills & Values by Joe Biel
  • Subculture the meaning of style by Dick Hebdige
  • Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord

Co is for Counter-Culture


Field Study Proposal

For my Individual Learning Contract (ILC) i will be conducting throughout the month of February a study on the counter-culture of punk and punk music around and in between the Olympia and greater Seattle areas. I will also be studying the start of punk culture, derived from punk music and try to figure out what is so important about this particular culture to these people, why they do the things they do and why they choose to live this sub culture lifestyle. Another piece of immersion in this ILC is that i would like to include is the immersion in the music and lyrics itself, studying various different artists from the 90s to the 2000s and possibly see the changes or similarities between the culture and sound of now and then. What i would hope to experience in this immersion is the link between counter and sub cultures with society, and from that the tie to government, which would (in theory) affect the sub-culture. I am connecting poetry to this ILC by immersing myself in this culture and simply writing about it based on feeling and experience. Punk music is very emotionally evoking music, so i am hoping to feel the music and translate it into poetry.

Read Complete Field Study Proposal

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

poetry observed: view all

Term Paper Abstract


We are always looking for something to gain, but maybe the easiest way to gain what we are looking for is located in all the things that we don’t understand. Knowledge is rich with all the answers to the world. When confronted with something we do not understand we must battle to gain the most knowledge about that subject as we can in order to fully understand it. You must see it from many angles and many perspectives to really truly gain full understanding. In gaining these understandings you will gain the understanding of the world.

Read Fall Term paper


“It was not a genre of music, it was more discontent with how things had flowed and unemployment in the U.K. at that time.” Quinten Butler.

            When looking at the term “Punk” what comes to mind? Is it a fashion? A culture? A type of music? Maybe it’s just the grimy kid sitting on the side of the street smoking a cigarette in a studded vest. When going through an exploration of punk music you begin to realize and understand that it is not just a song, it’s a statement. In every chord there is a story, in every word spoken there is a history. The deeper you get into this type of counter-culture the more you understand what things like Anarchy for the U.K. really mean. Establishment controlling society to the point of forcing the development of this counter-culture is where punk really came from. It wasn’t music; it was a movement against the establishment. 

Read Winter term paper