Author Archives: ingren07

Week 7 Psychoanalysis of Fire

“Fire .is for the man who is comemplating it an
example of a sudden change or development and an example
of a circumstantial development. Less monotonous and less abStract
than flowing wa.ter, even more quick to grow and to
change than the young bird we watch every day in irs nest in
the bushes, fire suggests the desire to change, to speed up the
passage of rime, to bring aU of life to its conclusion, to its hereafter.”
Bachelard, The Psychoanalysis of Fire; 16)

This life leads my head to become a bubbling cauldron of molten stress and self-criticism
To survive I must react in rebellion, weep these precious melded sand bits
leak strands of orange dripping from my ears
and burst  glass shards past my lips.
Rest my eyes of fire and flame
Pupils drink in the blue heat
Skin take in warmth
careful not to burn soft flesh
Open my ears to clinks, clanks and smashes
Recall my life within the streaks of sparks and roaring furnace.
Contemplate my woes and failings  and mold them into fragile pieces of colorful art.  

Week 9 Log

May 25th

20 minutes: Morning Transcendental Meditation session
2 1/2 hours: Finish Rosenthal’s Transcendance
1 hours: Outlining Holdrege
20 minutes: Evening Meditation session
(4 hours, 10 min)

May 26th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation Session
2 hours: Drafting poetry
1 hour: Watching Glassblowing on Youtube
2 hours: Reading Psychoanalysis of Fire
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(5 hours, 40 min)

May 27th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
2 hours: Drafting Holdrege
6 hours: At Mountlake Terrace High school working with Mark Walker
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(8 hours, 40 minutes)

May 28th

20 minutes: Morning Transcendental Meditation session
2 hours: Drafting Holdrege
2 1/2 hours: Finish Rosenthal’s Transcendance
1 hours: Drafting poetry
2 hours: Reading Neuro
2 hours: Drafting/posting Neuro Reverie
20 minutes: Evening Meditation session
(10 hours, 10 min)

May 29th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation Session
1 hour: Reading and posting Queneau Exercises
2 hours: Drafting Holdrege
2 hours: Reading/posting CP weekly readings
1 1/2hours: Reading Psychoanalysis of Fire
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(7 hours, 10 min)

May 30th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
6  hours: Working with Mark at MTHS
2 hour: Drafting Holdrege
1 hour: Reading Bachelard
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(9 hours, 40 minutes)

May 31st

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
4 hour: Working with Mark at MTHS
1 hours: at Dank Tank in Seattle
3 hours: Final drafting and revisons, Holdrege
1/2 hour: Choosing/posting favorite CP poem
20 minutes: Evening Meditation session
(6 hours, 10 minutes)


This week: 50 hours and 50 minutes

Cumulative Total: 184 hors and 50 minutes

Reading List:
Transcendence Dr. Rosenthal
Science of Being, Art of Living Mahesh Yogi
The Psychoanalysis of Fire Gaston Bachelard

Week 9 Calculated poem

The idea of primitive elements combining to create art, and of the importance of relationships between elements, also exists in visual art and dance.” (Levitin,This is your brain on music; 18)

Our mother is not such of nature, as nature cannot be separate from us.
Rather she is Mother Creation. This air bubble in the vastness of this universe to our knowledge, is an otherwise lifeless place. Our cells made eyes to see, we crawled from swamps, found a way to walked tall and along that road came our child, Art. We birth her each day in our words even if it’s only a stray sentence. Our drive is fueled by him, pushing us each day to string those words together to bring new beauty to Mother creation. Our sometimes seemingly simple poems are really bold sacrifices to our bloodthirsty Mother.

Week 9 Neuro Reverie

Renée Ingersoll

As Poetry Recycles Neurons


Neuro Reverie


Neuro Reverie

This is the argument  that neuroscience, in isolating brains and their components as the focus of investigation and explanation, ignores or denies the fact that, in humans and other animals, brains only have the capacities to do what they do because they are embodied, organs in a body of organs with all its bloody, fluid, and fleshy characteristics.
(Rose and Abi-Rached, Neuro; 230)

When you break everything down,
it’s  an innumerable amount  of
a   t   o   m  s
the words on this page
this page
the hands that typed it
the keys that were pressed
the computer screen to see them
the eyes to see.
To think we are separate from our bodies,
is to think we are separate from the universe
which cannot be
and it’s what being is.
Even the idea of the soul offends the body
we are not celestial orbs occupying fleshy cages
for sport or amusement


I want my conscious to rot like the rest of me

Week 9 Psychoanalysis of Fire

We are inclined to excuse all these naive beliefs, because
we now interpret them only in their metaphorical translation.
We forget that they corresponded to psychological realities.
Now ‘it oEren happens that metaphors have not completely lost
their reality J their concreteness. There is still a trace of concreteness
in cerrain soundly abstract definitions. A psychoanalysis
of objeccive knowledge must retrace and complete this
process of de-realization”
(Bachelard, The Psychoanalysis of Fire; 70)

With meditation comes the refinding of meaning in simple thoughts already thought,
realizations already come to or epiphanies once mulled over; seen with a new light.
How clear things can become with cliche metaphors, and common ideas.
They are this way because that’s why they became common in the first place.
But like all things, should be revisited, re-thought over.
Explore different facets of sound advice,
what different meanings could be applied to ‘practice makes perfect’
how perfect in all reality is inconceivable,
and therefore to achieve perfection, an eternity of practice is needed
but the more it is done the closer to eternity you are.
‘All things change’
It lies within the basic facts of our existence.
Within our evolution as a species,
and even the amount we age each day.
When we think we know something, that is when it is known you don’t. 

Week 8 Log

May 18th

20 minutes: Morning Transcendental Meditation session
2 hours: Glassblowing Documentary
2 hours: Readings Rosenthal’s Transcendance
1 hours: Drafting poetry
1 1/2 hour: Drafting Holdrege: Abstract finished and more detailed outlined completed
1 hours: Reading Mahesh Yogi
1 hour: Google Lecture: Rick Hanson
20 minutes: Evening Meditation session
(7 hours, 40 min)

May 19th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation Session
2 hours: Various Glassblowing videos on Youtube, Notably:
2 hours: Reading Rosenthal’s Transcendance
2 hours: Drafting poetry
1 hours: Reading Psychoanalysis of Fire
2 hours: Reading Neuro
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(7 hours, 40 min)

May 20th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
2 hours: Drafting/Posting Neuro Reverie
1 hours: Drafting Holdrege
4 hours: At Mountlake Terrace High school working with Mark Walker
2 hours: Reading Mahesh Yogi
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(9 hours, 40 minutes)

May 21st

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
3 hours: Drafting Holdrege
2 hours: Dhammakaya Meditation class at Seattle Meditation Center
2 hours: Reading Rosenthal
1 hour: Google Lecture John Kabat-Zinn
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(8 hours, 20 minutes)

May 22nd

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
1 hours: Reading Queneau’s Exercises of Style
1 hour: Drafting/Posting Queneau’s Exercises
2 hours: Reading CP Weekly reading
2 hours: Looking through Glassblower’s sites/pieces
1 hour: Draft and posting of CP weekly Poem
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(7 hours, 40 minutes)

May 23rd

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
6  hours: Working with Mark at MTHS
2 hour: Drafting poetry
1 hour: Reading Bachelard
20 minutes: Evening Meditation Session
(9 hours, 40 minutes)

May 24th

20 minutes: Morning Meditation session
2 hour: Reading Rosenthal’s Trancendence
2 hours: at Dank Tank in Seattle, A glass piece shop with its own studio in the back. Will return Monday
1 hour: Reading Mahesh Yogi
20 minutes: Evening Meditation session
(5 hours, 40 minutes)


This week: 56

Cumulative Total: 134

Reading List:
Transcendence Dr. Rosenthal
Science of Being, Art of Living Mahesh Yogi
The Psychoanalysis of Fire Gaston Bachelard

Week 8 Calculated Poem

Love acts beyond the phase wills it into – Hate is obscure, errs, is pain, furor, torn – a Lust to adorn aversion, hope, love eying its object joined to its cause, sees path into Things the future or now.”
(Zukofsky, “A”,116)

How unfair this affair is playing out.
How hopeful I am each time we talk sweetly,
share secret smiles and long locked stares.
How cold it feels each time your hand find another’s instead.
This started so long ago yet burns the same each time.
Still, for your attention and touch I will always fiend
How unfair that these seeds are planted so deep within my psyche,
I’ve been yours since age fourteen.

Glassblowing Poetry part 2

First it is a line
Add fire
it droops
and drips
so flip
and round
and flip
and round
little teardrop
Add another line
Fire one end to
Glowing heat
Keeping the ball heated
but not red-hot
Precise penetration
to sprout a mushroom
in full bloom

Molten gum
Sticky element
Compressed sand shard art
Taffy being pulled
By the heat of suns

I drowned my fear for death in sand
Blazed it with heat
and pressed
Till epiphanies drifted out of the heat
I’ve never been so much at peace
around so much goddamn fire

Week 8 Neuro Reverie

Renee Ingersoll

As Poetry Recycles Neurons


Neuro Reverie

“…the twenty-first century brain is not an organ whose fate is fixed at the moment of conception and birth, but is a plastic and open to external influence throughout development and indeed throughout life.”
(Rose and Abi-Rached, Neuro; 217 (Chiao 2009))

Today I was reading a blog called ‘Humans of New York’
The guy Takes photographs of people and then asks them questions.
One picture had these two kids sitting backs against a building.
The girl looked my friend Bailey and had the most beautiful smile on her face
The boy had a clump of red curly hair, shaven on the sides
leg outstretched with neon green tape around his boot
He looked like he wanted to laugh because she was.
That moment where laughter becomes contagious
The quote under said
“Where did you grow up?”
“We’re growing up right now.”
It made me cry
There’s beauty in change
and i’ve been thinking lately that we were all born to die
in the literal and poetic way
but i’m beginning to think we die
because living is a process
if there’s no end
there’s no process.
My mom told me I cried every birthday when I was little
I’d tell her
“I’m one year closer to dying.”
But I have to live to die
Maybe that’s what growing up is,
Realizing living life includes death
A needed part of the equation.
And as humans, our potential to change is phenomenal
So I shant waste this plasticity
on why the world is so bad
and why my death is to imminent.