Week 7 Psychoanalysis of Fire

“Fire .is for the man who is comemplating it an
example of a sudden change or development and an example
of a circumstantial development. Less monotonous and less abStract
than flowing wa.ter, even more quick to grow and to
change than the young bird we watch every day in irs nest in
the bushes, fire suggests the desire to change, to speed up the
passage of rime, to bring aU of life to its conclusion, to its hereafter.”
Bachelard, The Psychoanalysis of Fire; 16)

This life leads my head to become a bubbling cauldron of molten stress and self-criticism
To survive I must react in rebellion, weep these precious melded sand bits
leak strands of orange dripping from my ears
and burst  glass shards past my lips.
Rest my eyes of fire and flame
Pupils drink in the blue heat
Skin take in warmth
careful not to burn soft flesh
Open my ears to clinks, clanks and smashes
Recall my life within the streaks of sparks and roaring furnace.
Contemplate my woes and failings  and mold them into fragile pieces of colorful art.  

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