Author Archives: ingren07

L – Week 6 poetry

What in love drives this
cruel wordplay


I see the whites in your eyes
Target acquired
Fire at will!
Just shoot.

Inspired from page 106 of The New Creatures

Trees shade the dark thoughts
of the trudging youth below

Inspired from page 124 The New Creatures

This party could be mistaken for a war zone.
Smoke and rises in pitch
mix all noise
into an ungodly decimal
girls scream
men laugh
tensions are high
are made

L – Week 5 poetry

Inspired from page 81 of The Lords

I sit at this window into Suburbia.
We’ve domesticated our own mother to lawn accessories
and lifeless products
In the distance, crows feast by the roadside on our plastic
constantly mocking our cement paved way of life
with their vicious laughter.

Inspired from The Doors’ “Hello, I love you”

Hello, I need you
why won’t you tell me your game?
Hello, I crave you
won’t you scream my name?
Hello, I adore you
why can’t control this pain?

Inspired from page 35 of The Lords

I will wait
only for you
my eyes dilate

L – Week 6 reverie

“The dreamer can easily project his own anima upon the beloved. But in doing that, there is no simple egotism of the imagination. The dreamer wants his projected anima to have a personal animus as well, one which is not the simple reflection of his own animus.”
(Bachelard, Poetic Reverie; 88)

Do I love you?
Or do I love what I perceive you to be.
To take that further; do I know you or I even exist?
Or do I put you here to ease my own insecurities.
I know that I think that I know you
is that enough?
Is love the same conscience experiencing itself?
I think I know that I crave your personal animus,
one that is everything I am not and crave to be.
I revel in our anima, but is that right?
Do I love you for you or for what I cannot be?
Humans love the things they can’t have,
so to literally be as I cannot
keeps me here.

L – Week 5 Reverie

“”The army of flowers answers the call of its queen” so that floral life may triumph over accursed life.” (Bachelard, Poetic Reverie; 40)
Why must I be the river twisting around your banks
The flow above and below your pebbles
The petals circling your seed fiilled center
The vines crawling up your wall
The waves crashing against your
I must adapt around your curves
and bumps
and dark crevices
and inconsistencies
and terrible words
You demand liquid form to be with you
Give up my solid form for streams
wind swept petals
crashing waterfalls
silently churning rivers
Why wont you move for me?

L – Week 5 log

February 3rd

½ hour(s): Compiling Documentary Titles
(Bookmarking them, seeing worth my time etc.)

February 4th

2 ½ hours: Watching Documentaries
2 hours: Reading, underlining significant or jolting bits and copying inspiring bits 
11/2 hours: Notes about Jim

February 5th

4 hours: Reading 
3 hours: Drafting
2 hours: Bookmarking Morrison Interviews

February 6th

1 hours: Listening to The Doors (jotting lyrics that strike me)
2 hours: Writing out Jim and I’s similarities thus far
1 hour: Planning Poetry observed videos (will be doing 4)
2.5 hours: Reading

February 7th

2 hours: Drafting
2 hours: Reading and interacting with text
1 hour: Journaling of me and Jim

February 8th

11/2 hours: Listening to The Doors
1 hour: L.A. Woman Documentary
2 hours: Reading  

February 9th

3 hours: Reading
2 hours: Watching Documentary
1 hour: drafting
1.5 hours: Journaling similarities

Totals: 38

This week: 38

Cumulative Total: 38

Reading list

The Lords
The New Creatures
No One Gets Out of Here Alive

Mr. Mojo Risin’: The Story of L.A. Woman (2012)
When You’re Strange (2009)
The Soft Parade, a Retrospective (1991)
Final 24: Jim Morrison (2007), The Biography Channel

L is for Lizard King

Field Study Proposal

I wish to study the poetry and other media works of Jim Morrison to find out what draws me (and many others) to Morrison. I will also argue why and how I am a modern day version of him by using his work for inspiration and recycling his works through my own style. Along with my backround in his musical career in The Doors, (entire discography) I have purchased his 4 published poetry books along with the known Biography ‘No one gets out of here alive’ and will be citing them accordingly. I will also be viewing his media works such as ‘The lost Paris tapes’ and will review some interviews. His poetry books include: The Lords, New Creatures, Wilderness and The American Night. I will be in between Lynnwood and Olympia to work with location for my poems, busing where I cannot get a ride from friends and family. My living expenses will be minimal, if I am not living on campus I will be at my parents house. I’ll have my laptop, access to Sno-isle Libraries and the Evergreen computers/internet and Media Loans.

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

Fall Term Paper 

Fall term paper (Orcas pear tree)

Winter Term Paper

Lizard King, erotic politician, electric shaman, poet, existentialist, Rock God and mortal man.
Jim Morrison was on a rampage to live and push everyone around him to do the same by any means necessary. He had all sides of the spectrum as well, a sweet philosopher concerned with the issues of the world and capable of much kindness and a sadistic asshole with concerning alcoholism issues and random violent actions. His poetry is a sometimes confusing raw glimpse into his mind. It reflects his drug use, fame, love, his time and thoughts that plagued him enough to end up on paper. In recycling his work I have re-evaluated parts of my conscience previously known but also confronted thoughts and other parts that I believe have created a new me.

Read full Winter Term Paper


Mr Mojo Risin pictures

Serene Lone Girl pictures