Tag Archives: l-poetry

L – Week 8 Poetry

He screams wake up
I am awake!
and i’m terrified
those who have awoken
prefer the bliss of
ignorant sleep
Through my lips sleeps
the tongue of a lizard
beneath these heavy lids
reptile eyes, blood cool
and skin sleek
I cannot awake
while the world is
I am but
but my words
these words
scribbles of conscience
tracks of thought patterns
are eternal

I am hellbound
straight from this accursed
ticky-tack town
with its pristine
ticky-tack boxes
and ticky-tack people
with enough ticky-tack audacity
to mock me
but I hurtle hellbound
with reckless abandon
to escape their
sticky ticky-tack
promises of change 


L – Week 7 Poetry

I applaud these soldiers of the land
for claiming this metal monster of a boat
as its own in a cage of roots
just close enough to the shore
to freedom,
for spite.

Evolution spilled across the wall
paint bubbles spin the tale
of men’s growth from cell
to flesh

Lucy opens the window
to God like form
tearing reality at its seams
for mind’s play

The freeway
Earth’s scars
from wars with men

Your lips are sweet silk
to my dry

L – Week 6 poetry

What in love drives this
cruel wordplay


I see the whites in your eyes
Target acquired
Fire at will!
Just shoot.

Inspired from page 106 of The New Creatures

Trees shade the dark thoughts
of the trudging youth below

Inspired from page 124 The New Creatures

This party could be mistaken for a war zone.
Smoke and rises in pitch
mix all noise
into an ungodly decimal
girls scream
men laugh
tensions are high
are made

L – Week 5 poetry

Inspired from page 81 of The Lords

I sit at this window into Suburbia.
We’ve domesticated our own mother to lawn accessories
and lifeless products
In the distance, crows feast by the roadside on our plastic
constantly mocking our cement paved way of life
with their vicious laughter.

Inspired from The Doors’ “Hello, I love you”

Hello, I need you
why won’t you tell me your game?
Hello, I crave you
won’t you scream my name?
Hello, I adore you
why can’t control this pain?

Inspired from page 35 of The Lords

I will wait
only for you
my eyes dilate