Author Archives: simand31

Ml – Week 6 Reverie

Reverie Prompt:  pp 88, 93  Create your own reverie in response to Bachelard’s reverie:  “Reveries of idealization develop, not by letting oneself be taken in by memories, but by constantly dreaming the values of being whom one would love.”  Great dreamers dream their double.  Can you create a reverie to demonstrate how and why the passion of your current field study sustains you?  How is your “letter” (e.g., c is for cacao) your magnified double?  (E.g., While tasting Kallari chocolate can you re-member how C might idealize cacao?) “”Tell me whom you create and I shall tell you who you are.'” Suggestion: Use your reverie on an idealized passion to create a poem that evokes the sensation of how your passion is sustaining you.

Seven years old on my living room floor

I sat down and I wrote those first lyrics

Something new I knew I never done before

So excited for everyone to hear it

They laugh and suddenly crush my spirit

I sullenly return to my bedroom embarassed

Peer at the wall thinking of my appearance

It’s apparent that my words weren’t worth enough

So they’re disparaged

I look up at the dresser with my radio on

sit awake and wait for my favorite song to come on

Rap every lyric as if I wrote it myself

If you don’t know now you know

that’s what I know of myself

So one of those nights when I feel low

I turn the lights down low

Turn on some music and just go.


Ml – Week 5 Reverie

Reverie Prompt:  pp 38-39, 47  Create your own reverie on the engendering of words in response to Bachelard’s reverie:  “Look out for the flamboires, little girl! Look out for the flambettes, booby!” In your experience does a romance language such as French do a “great service” by being a “passionate language” that has not wanted to  preserve a neuter gender, but rather multiplies occasions for choosing/coupling? What words, for you, “love each other?” Can you create a reverie to demonstrate words that, for you, have sexes re: the passion of your current field study?

 All the words I feel like love each other, rhyme with each other.
Some are similar but still complete opposites, like SILENCE and SIRENS.
If you throw LIGHTS in there, its a love triangle, even though LIGHTS isn’t a perfect rhyme, its close.
Some I feel are perfectly connected, like HEART and ART, and their children are like, HEAR and HURT, because those words are close to them.
I can’t really feel the sexes in any of them, but I know that they’re in love. Deeply, miserably in love. Even in the difference in their meaning and what they represent, they can’t survive without each other.
The rules say some words aren’t even supposed to be together but they fight for each other, like STAR and DARK, they don’t perfectly rhyme but they go together, they can even relate in meaning STARS light up the DARK sky.
In terms of my passion, this is my passion. Putting these words together, it’s like love connection. I thought of the word MICROPHONE so it’s options to pair up with are ALONE, ZONE, HOME, SHOWN, and even SMOKE. And I could put it with just one, or I could string them all together.
Like, the MICROPHONE SMOKES when i’m ALONE in my HOME ZONE rap skill SHOWN embedded and HOME GROWN. Its like GROWN was a special guest that nobody knew about and just kind of showed up but still fit in well.

Ml – Week 7 Poetry

What will you talk about?

Ink spots on hands on pad

Blots, blotches, caught up now

Will you talk rings watches watch them

Watching you talking about

How you sell your soul out.

Will you look into the past and future

How you sail your soul out

Or be a hostage held to what they said


Sirens, sirens, please stay out my mind while im writing

Hectic thoughts all I see is blazes of fire and lightning

Stretched across a field of lost desire and writhing

Heat in my head my hand even in the pen that i’m scribing

With, anger danger and violence, these words are the livest

Talk about highs lows and whichever girl is the finest

Vanity stricken, if its about bullshit I bet you would listen

Rap ain’t the work you put in, its whatever car that you’re whippin

I want to write these lyrics right bare god as my witness

Picture perfect pictures painted with every depicted sentence

And in the end I end the stress in whatever chair that im sittin

Hear my heart and hear my mind and take a second to listen

Because its not all about vanity or materialism

It could be spirituality, internal decisions

Rap is about all that inside knowledge, experience, wisdom

All it takes is to hear yourself, dreaming, hoping, and wishing.


Ml – Week 7 log

February 18th

1 hour – Writing lyrics
2.5 hours – Reading “Reading in the Brain”
1 hour – Studying lyrics “2Pac week”

1 hour – Writing and posting weekly seminar passage

February 19th

4 hours – Reading “Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy”

2 hours – Recording session

February 20th

2 hours – Beginning Holdrege paper

30 minutes – Contributing to virtual seminar and commenting on sem passes

February 21st

2 hours – Reading “Music, The Brain, and Ecstasy”

February 22nd

1 hour – Reading “Music, The Brain, and Ecstasy”

2.5 hours – Writing

February 23rd

These two days I had to work on my RA resume and cover letter for next year so I didn’t get much done.

1 hour – Writing

1 hour – Reading: “Reading in the Brain”

February 24th

1 hour – Writing lyrics



This week: 22.5

Cumulative total: 91.5

Reading List:

Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop

Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy

Ml – Week 6 Poetry

Something I wrote specifically about my experience during the process of recording for the first time during this project.


What would you think if I were to sink

Into my own skin I slink

Scared of my voice I don’t have a choice

Try to get over and think

My sound is important I can’t try to force it

It’s me from my head to my feet

Under a rush just ain’t enough

Love of my lyrics just leave

Then it’s just clear I feel my own fear

Hands clam up and I stop

Scared of my thoughts eyes there to watch

Even if I know that they’re not

Ml – Week 6 log

February 11th

1 hour – Writing lyrics
2.5 hours – Reading “Reading in the Brain”
1 hour – Studying lyrics “Jay-Z week”

1 hour – Writing and posting weekly seminar passage

February 12th

2 hours – Studying Hip Hop as an oral art

4 hours – Reading “Book of Rhymes”

2 hours – Recording session

February 13th

2 hours – Watching “Rhyme and Reason”

30 minutes – Contributing to virtual seminar and commenting on sem passes

February 14th

4 hours – Reading “Book of Rhymes

I found out that a good friend of mine had passed away on this day so I didn’t get a lot done but reading really helped take my mind off of things.

February 15th

2 hours – Reading “Book of Rhymes”

2.5 hours – Writing

February 16th

3 hours – Reading: “Book of Rhymes”

2 hours – Recording session: “experimenting with voice”

February 17th

3 hours – Recording session: “experimenting with voice”

1 hours – Writing lyrics



This week: 33.5

Cumulative total: 69

Reading List:

Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop

Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy

Ml – Week 5 Poetry

Something i’m in the process of working on, a rough draft of sorts…

As Heaven Would Have It

Loveless unloving lover, body like Marilyn

With hair, air and bare skin

Eyes an ocean I would dare swim

If I even knew how to

Give up any and every taboo just to have you

You look just like infinity

behind your identity so much mystery

I want to uncover your undercover

I’m not your enemy

Don’t refrain from saying what’s in your brain

I want to get in that thing if you know what i’m saying

I see your love for cinematic action

You live an addict for seeing cause and effect happen

Well here you have it all signs and semantics

Maybe we’ll meet after life

Have some kind of attachment

Or that’s the plan

As heaven would have it



Ml – Week 5 Log

February 4th

3 hours – Wrote hip hop lyrics
2 hours – Read article “Music, the food of neuroscience?”
1 hour – Studying lyrics “Eminem Week”

February 5th

3.5 hours – Studying lyrics and sound: “Eminem”

2 hours – Watching documentary “From Nothing to Something: The Art of Rap”

30 minutes – Commenting on Seminar passes

February 6th

2 hours – Reading: “Reading in the Brain”

30 minutes – Contributing to virtual seminar

February 7th

2 hours – Writing lyrics

2 hours – Learning about Alliteration, Assonance, Consonance, and Multisyllabic Rhymes

3 hours – First recording session

February 8th

2 hours – Write lyrics

2.5 hours – Reading: “Reading in the Brain”

2 hours – Recording session

February 9th

4 hours – Reading: “Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop”

2 hours – Recording session

2 hours – Using pro tools to create Hip Hop beats

February 10th

2.5 hours – Recording session

2 hours – Writing lyrics

2 hours – Reading: “Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy”



This week: 36.5

Cumulative total: 35.5

Reading List:

Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop

Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy

Ml is for Music & Lyrics

Field Study Proposal

During the time of this contract Andre will be learning about the writing of lyrics and how to put them to Hip Hop music, observing the minds connection to the flow of words and emotion attached to those words. Also, Andre will be learning about how the recording process works and how vocal recording affects the body, testing the limits of his own voice in pitch, range, speed and volume and being mindful of how he feels after this practice. In addition, Andre will also be watching documentaries such as The Art of Rap and Rhyme and Reason to grasp a better understanding of where Hip Hop music gets its substance and finding articles or books to read about music and the science of the mind under the influence of music specifically from Dr. Charles Limb who has done research in what happens to the brain while improvising in Jazz and Hip Hop music, and contributing to the program’s eAlphabet and participating in entries on the Moodle site.


ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

This was during one of the many studio sessions I had, I was experimenting with my voice which is why I sound so weird. But, watching this was actually an interesting experience for me because I had never seen my facial expressions during recordings. Take note of the slight smile that I have right after i’m done recording.

Term Paper Abstract

Read full Winter Term Paper


Studio Photos