C- Reverie #2

Prompt:  pp 88, 93  Create your own reverie in response to Bachelard’s reverie:  “Reveries of idealization develop, not by letting oneself be taken in by memories, but by constantly dreaming the values of being whom one would love.”  Great dreamers dream their double.  Can you create a reverie to demonstrate how and why the passion of your current field study sustains you?  How is your “letter” (e.g., c is for cacao) your magnified double?  (E.g., While tasting Kallari chocolate can you re-member how C might idealize cacao?) “”Tell me whom you create and I shall tell you who you are.'” Suggestion: Use your reverie on an idealized passion to create a poem that evokes the sensation of how your passion is sustaining you.

Since I was a boy, I’ve been afraid of the Ocean, open and bare with miles of darkness and unknown beasts below my fragility. even wading in shallow was uncertainty; rip currents come from out of the blue and sweep you out into the unknown, far from home. But in the last couple of years, I’ve lost my fear, gradual though it may have been. For better or worse, I crave Mystery. I beg for understanding, I cry to know that there is something more than mechanics and protons above my head, aeons of primordial soup and pure chance behind me. I have always known, it seems more than most others, the sense of the language of the Wise Ones of old. And now I’ve found the Druids, my ancient forefathers, guardians of ancient truths, tellers of legends. I will create the Druid’s Grove, he will tell me I am strong.


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