Category Archives: field study

“During winter quarter we’ll experience and articulate specific forms of consciousness and language in relation to a particular passion. One of us might want to explore Gerard Manley Hopkins’ love of bluebells and windhovers in relationship to his poetry, or create a poetic world around a passion for sport or to experience how fantasy sports are a poetic world. One of us might immerse herself in the biodynamic rhythms of chocolate sustainably farmed, or listen for the resonance between silence and sound in YoYo Ma’s performance of Bach’s Cello Suite #1 in G. The methodology of our field study will aspire to that of 18 th C poet and civil engineer, Novalis for whom “knowledge and creation were united in a wondrous mutual tie.” Writing in response to our field studies will take the form of reciprocal creations such as in Melissa Kwasny’s Reading Novalis in Montana” and the poems of Wallace Stevens and Pattiann Rogers discussed in class.

Pi is for Pi

Pi is for Pi….

… or so it would seem.  Numbers can be confusing.  I can attest to my own experience in high school that math class was nothing short of bewildering and belittling.  Many people struggle with the language of math and can develop a strong aversion to it in their adult life.  There are, however, an almost infinite variety of other math languages that exist out there, some of them more attuned to the basic instincts we inherit as humans.  Even alternate forms of our math system have been developed and used over the ages.  Pi is for Pi is an exploration into these ‘intuitive mathematics’ and the origins of our current system.  By engaging in interviews, reading texts by and about ‘mathematicians’, listening to radio explorations of the subject, and participating in a Calculated Poetics workshop as a part of the joint endeavor of the As Poetry Recycles Neurons and Methods of Mathematical Physics programs, I hope to discover the ethnomathematic origins of instinctual math and develop methods of teaching it, using core examples from various systems to relay the capabilities that lie hidden within my peers, who tragically may also have been afflicted by the current mathematical education model, recycling their neurons to do math with fun and confidence once again!

Supporting materials include Number Sense by Stanislaus Dehaene, The Magic Mirror of M.C. Escher by Bruno Hurst, Leonardo’s Notebooks edited by H. Anna Suh, The Fractal Geometry of Nature by Benoit Mandelbrot, an interview with Tim Morrissey at the Waldorf Schools Olympia, weekly readings for Calculated Poetics workshop, the Radiolab episode Numbers, and possible interviews with the faculty Bill Arney, Sunshine Campbell, Vaughn Graham, Anita Lenges, and Sherry Walton at The Evergreen State College. others TBA


Weekly log and Field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

(embedded youtube or Vimeo video will go here)

Term Paper Abstract

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Ml – Studio Photos

H is for Hawk

Field Study Proposal

How best to present classic Russian poetry to people who do not speak Russia. I will be preparing a short bi-lingual presentation of Russian poems with English language translations. This will involve selecting texts, comparing translations, creating my own translations if possible. I will be reading thru the material on translation in the library on the subject of literary translation. creating an introduction to the reading that will but the material in perspective, learning the art of reciting poetry and memorizing.

read complete field study proposal


ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

Term Paper Abstract

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Q is for Quilt

Quilted consciousness, an ancient heirloom. A smell, a memory, a taste. A story, recycled. Terroir-place,ingredients,sounds, senses, flavors, of memory, of people, of place, of words. She will find the poetry of her threads.  Here is the exploration of her feminine myth, the gathering of the pieces and the threading of her stories. For the course of one month, she will be guided to the folklore of her fabrics, to the tradition of her threads, to the ancestry of her passions, hand sewing a quilt along the way. She will be practicing how to be in direct perception with the wild nature in her. She will piece her story, and lay in it to dream.

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

Term Paper Abstract

In finding the use my hands through delicate empiricism:

I am a Maiden, in a time of question, looking for my native home. I believe it that all of my passion is intimately tied to a feminine displacement, much greater than my own. How a woman uses her hands, is how she is defined. I am yearning to find my hands, my village and my home.  How do I walk in right relationship with my heart, a heart that is in my body alone? How will my heart guide me to what I already know?

W is for Winging It

W is for Winging It

My passion that I am choosing to pursue during our month on is a search for freedom, adventure, and self. And I plan to wing it. I will be hitch-hiking through Washington, Oregon, and California with the goal of reaching Santa Cruz before beginning my return to Olympia. The general path that I’m envisioning is one that goes East from Olympia, down Eastern Oregon and Northeastern California, and across California’s central valley to Santa Cruz and the central coast. On the way back up to Washington I plan to travel along the Pacific coast all the way up to the Olympic Peninsula before completing the home stretch to Olympia. This month-long trip will be a solo one and I’ll be living minimally off of what I bring in my pack and a small amount of cash for groceries and supplies when absolutely needed. My mode of transportation will be mostly a combination of rides from others and walking, although I am open to the idea of taking a bus or two in case something goes wrong. I plan to spend at least 4 days of this journey on a backpacking trip in a wilderness area so much of what I am bringing with me is camping gear (tent, water purifier, lightweight stove, etc). Part of my project will include an internal conversation with Jack Kerouac about his book On the Road and its relation to my experience of being on the road.

I want to feel freedom, to gain a new confidence in myself and what I am capable of. I want to connect further with society, nature, and who I am and to get closer to discovering my place in it all. I want to step out and wing it. I hope to draw from this experience a greater understanding of the world around me as well as the world within myself. All that I am sure of regarding the outcome of this journey is that I will be changed in some way, and that I will have grown.

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

Fall Term Paper Abstract

Read full winter term paper: The Passion of the World


T is for Therapeutic Child Crafts

During this exploration into the ways children learn, I will be introducing various arts and crafts forms to young children such as Handcraft, experiential art where the children can immerse themselves into projects while using feelings in combination with colors. Current professional texts contributing to my field study are; Reading the Brain by Stanislas Dehaene, The Arts and Human Development by Howard Gardner, The Waldorf Hand Work & Craft Curriculum from, and Adhocism by Charles Jencks and Nathan Silver. I want to teach arts and crafts in a way that creates a deep fulfilling communication between each child’s head, heart, and hands that presents the child as a whole. Crafting can be an outlet for people who have trouble expressing their feelings by speaking or writing with words. I am drawn to how the child’s mind develops as one uses his or her strongest learning style. I understand even the strongest learning styles can also be disrupted during times of distress. These learning styles are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. The arts have been an uplifting practice throughout my own childhood. I want to ultimately share arts and crafts studies within the preschool through elementary age children in an inclusive learning environment with this contract. I have learned how to incorporate experiences from previous college work.

Patience is not something easily found.  The desire is to understand how patience can affect the ambition to pursue goals. During this single Spring quarter of field study in the program, As Poetry Recycles Neurons, the student will incorporate how the program creates a series of guides through the words of various poets and neuroscientists to illuminate a more tactile handle on life’s endeavors. Practices of seminar passes and peer reviews will continue in Monday and Tuesday sessions. During this time of study, the student will enter the realm of consciousness and dig for the origins of patience by reading some poetry and neurological-scientific articles based on patience.  This study will be a branch from a tree developed in the program’s Winter quarter called T is for Therapeutic Child Crafts that involved sharing the craft of origami with others which requires patient practice itself. In a culture moving so fast, patience is not readily obtainable in some cases for some people.  It is will optimism and real time journaling of life activities with others that I, the student, will try to reach and obtain the element of patience so necessary in human development to next have the persistence to create a well-constructed sturdy path to walk upon in life.

Patience is the foundation for accomplishing a task with the highest quality. Crafting, craftsmanship, and creativity rely on patience for one to aspire to greater things and state of mind. This spring portion of my study will focus on the patience necessary for pursuing those aspirations with research about teaching methods, artists’ biographies, and neuropsychology.


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ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

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Bachelardian Reverie

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[catlist tags=t-poetry excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Poetry Observed

(embedded youtube or Vimeo video will go here)

Term Paper Abstract

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R is for Ruin


Field Study Proposal

On this one month long feild study titled R is for Ruins, I will be taking an in depth look into what it means to be in a state of ruin or be in ruinicity. This means that I will be taking a good hard look at not only our conventional concept of ruins but I will be looking at society, culture, art, and self as a ruin or in the process of being in ruins. I plan to look at multiple texts but two titles that will be following me will be the book called Urban Wildscapes and another titled Industrial Ruins. I plan to incorporate poetry and artistic mediums in order to convey the ruination of Grays Harbor County, with a few situations or in depth looks into similar cases of ruination.


ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

[catlist tags=r-logs date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Bachelardian Reverie

[catlist tags=r-bachelard date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]


[catlist tags=r-poetry excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Poetry Observed


Term Paper Abstract

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Co is for Counter-Culture


Field Study Proposal

For my Individual Learning Contract (ILC) i will be conducting throughout the month of February a study on the counter-culture of punk and punk music around and in between the Olympia and greater Seattle areas. I will also be studying the start of punk culture, derived from punk music and try to figure out what is so important about this particular culture to these people, why they do the things they do and why they choose to live this sub culture lifestyle. Another piece of immersion in this ILC is that i would like to include is the immersion in the music and lyrics itself, studying various different artists from the 90s to the 2000s and possibly see the changes or similarities between the culture and sound of now and then. What i would hope to experience in this immersion is the link between counter and sub cultures with society, and from that the tie to government, which would (in theory) affect the sub-culture. I am connecting poetry to this ILC by immersing myself in this culture and simply writing about it based on feeling and experience. Punk music is very emotionally evoking music, so i am hoping to feel the music and translate it into poetry.

Read Complete Field Study Proposal

ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes

[catlist tags=co-logs date=yes excerpt=yes excerpt_size=30]

Bachelardian Reverie

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Poetry Observed

poetry observed: view all

Term Paper Abstract


We are always looking for something to gain, but maybe the easiest way to gain what we are looking for is located in all the things that we don’t understand. Knowledge is rich with all the answers to the world. When confronted with something we do not understand we must battle to gain the most knowledge about that subject as we can in order to fully understand it. You must see it from many angles and many perspectives to really truly gain full understanding. In gaining these understandings you will gain the understanding of the world.

Read Fall Term paper


“It was not a genre of music, it was more discontent with how things had flowed and unemployment in the U.K. at that time.” Quinten Butler.

            When looking at the term “Punk” what comes to mind? Is it a fashion? A culture? A type of music? Maybe it’s just the grimy kid sitting on the side of the street smoking a cigarette in a studded vest. When going through an exploration of punk music you begin to realize and understand that it is not just a song, it’s a statement. In every chord there is a story, in every word spoken there is a history. The deeper you get into this type of counter-culture the more you understand what things like Anarchy for the U.K. really mean. Establishment controlling society to the point of forcing the development of this counter-culture is where punk really came from. It wasn’t music; it was a movement against the establishment. 

Read Winter term paper