R -Poetry Observed

Dreams of Digitial Ruination


Click, click,
{My memory}
Click, Click,


Click, click

{So you want to delete that,
too bad,}

My mind is not silicon or circuitry,
but it dreams in digital,
html, css, binary, and flash flowers flow.

From my memory to code,
I become the web,
the intangible,
the fleeting,
and impermanent.

Quickly I am reduced to ruins by the next
update, catch me if you can.

I am the digital age
made flesh and blood by
fate and timing,
I am the foundation
that will inevitably crumble,
I will be lost to time,
but I’ve made my
I hit the target,
and I flew farther then
my predecessors thought
was possible,

I am the beginning of something more,
that surpasses time,
My memory lives on.

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About Crystal Poor

I am a crafty and creative woman who is interested in poetry, art, long walks on beaches, and poking dead things on beaches with a stick. I have in recent years graduated from The Evergreen State College, got married, and am leading a fairly productive life outside in the world I love. It isn't always rainbows and butterflies but it's a good life, and I will keep creating things for as long as I live.

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