Time log week 5

Monday – Wolf Creek to Grants Pass
5 hours – cycling of inhalation and exhalation
4 hours – listening, holding, and digging deeper
Got my second flat of the trip today. It only took me about 20 minutes to stop, unload, figure out what had gone wrong, and put everything back together again, which was awesomely fast compared to last time. Tire pries that didn’t break definitely helped.
I got to GP, went into a little health food store there, and connected with one person after another. I ended up gearing up to go see a shop, when a man walked past me on the side walk, and I asked if he had a lawn I could spend the night on. I picked the right man. He let me use his guest room, and computer, fed me a wonderful dinner, and we talked about what I was doing, and also a lot about his life philosophies.  One of the biggest lessons I gleaned from this conversation was the importance of seeing the patterns, rhythms, and cycles that aren’t helpful in my life, and confronting them within myself. To take responsibility for all that I do, for the ways I react, and for the things I attract into my life.

Tuesday – In Grants Pass
2 hours – fueling
2 hours – physical movement, mental stillness
6 hours – reading, writing – on the computer. Mental movement, physical stillness
I feel so good being caught up on all this work that I was starting to feel a little behind on. This is the day that balances out all of the physical movement I’ve been doing, as well as all the interactions I’ve had with so many amazing people – the majority of today was  for reflection, writing, organizing, preparation and solitude.

Wednesday – 30 miles from Grants Pass to 7 Seeds Farm near Williams Oregon
3.5 hours – cycling in excitement!
1 hour – fueling
1.5 hours – weeding and talking; immersion in the cycle of physical and mental movement
1.5 hours – pulling and organizing drip tape
3 hours – connecting with conversation and food

Thursday – at 7 Seeds – community day
1.5 hour – cycling into disorganization and organization
4 hours – weeding the garden we are all welcome to eat from
1.5 hours – making and eating food; talking about enough, abundance, and the triple bottom line (economic, ecological and social sustainability)
Moved into my space while I’m here – a bus which has been outfitted with a stove, a wood burning stove, a sink, a bed and some benches! It’s an awesome space and it feels so good to be able to spread out my stuff. Sometimes I feel like I have to live in a perpetual state of ultimate organization.

Friday – at 7 Seeds
4 hours – weeding parsnips (yes, just one row)
1 hour – cycling into town to grab some food

Saturday –  at 7 Seeds, a day off
2 hours – reading and writing Seminar Pass
3.5 hours – Intro to Permaculture taught by Don Tipping
1 hour – hike to Medicine Mountain
5 hours – diving into the depths of conversation around a fire – constantly in cycling between burning hot, and needing more fuel

Sunday –  at 7 Seeds – we got some rain!
1 hour – hiking down from Medicine Mountain
2 hours – weeding onions
1 hour – reading The One-Straw Revolution
2 hours – re-creating paper outline
1.5 hours – getting together some lilac brew
This day was a trip. I got a few hours of sleep up on the Mountain, and then entered the intense world of re-creating my paper outline – cycling in fractals of dreams

59.5 hours

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