All Hands – 5/3/2013

Via gotomeeting.

Time Agenda Item Notes
3:00 Welcome, sign in, announcements

–          Judy

Make sure everyone is connected, introduce anyone new, let anyone know dates of upcoming meetings, conferences, deadlines, etc.
3:10 Check-in

–          Judy



Have everyone give quick update (no more than 2-3 minutes each)  Judy/team, Mike/team, Denise/team, any collaborators.  These are highlights of progress, problems, upcoming events
3:25 Presentation

–          Kirsten Winters


Presentation on some aspect of the project.  Presentation should be about 10-15 minutes with lots of time for discussion questions.  If possible, preparation materials should be provided to team (e.g., slide show, notes, articles, etc.)
3:50 Debrief

–          Denise

Review what we said we would do  before next all hands meeting; remind people of next meeting dates/assignments
4:00 Adjourn